[Abstract]:Wadang, the drooping part of the top of the roof tile, is commonly referred to as the tubehead, the hook head, which can prevent the eaves of the roof from being eroded by wind and rain. Rain Water can not leak the roof, thus prolonging the service life of the building, and at the same time, rich in decorative effect, making the building more brilliant, practical and beautiful, the two complement each other, which is the practical collection on the ancient architecture of our country. A unique architectural component decorated in one. In our country, the traditional architecture has a very long history and exquisite workmanship. As early as the warring States period and the Qin and Han dynasties, the emperors of successive dynasties began to develop palaces in order to show their military power and power. Among them, Waddang is a small accessory to these ancient buildings, which mainly protects the eaves from the roof by blocking the tiles from sliding down and stopping the water droplets from the eaves at the same time. Later, with the continuous progress of civilization, artisans through the constant creation of industrious wisdom, Wadang not only play its practical value, but also become a part of beautification architecture. This article takes Wadang as the research object, takes the Wadang decorative artistry and its value to the contemporary decorative art as the research emphasis, uses the literature synthesis method, the image analysis method and the cross-culturology research thought and method, etc. The development and evolution of Wadang and its unique decorative artistry are systematically studied, including the following aspects: first, From the origin and development of Wadang, this paper expounds the process of the transformation of Wadang from simple practical function to decorative function, and the development process of Wadang decorative artistry from prosperity to decline. Secondly, it systematically combs the categories of Wadang. Mainly in the Qin and Han dynasties, the characteristics of different types of Wadang were analyzed and studied, so as to sum up the different types of decorative artistry, as well as the different period of the development process of Wadang decorative artistry; third, This paper analyzes the potential reference value of the decorative art of the Qin and Han dynasties to the contemporary decorative art, and the application of the decorative art style of the Qin and Han dynasties in the contemporary decorative art, so as to explore the significance and value of the Wadang to the modern decorative art.
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