[Abstract]:Compared with blue and white porcelain, the current academic research on three-color Tang Dynasty is still very short. More studies focus on archaeological staging, due to many unearthed in Japan, many of the research is based on the comparison between China and export Japan. This article focuses on the relationship between the three colors of the Tang Dynasty and the Silk Road, mainly from three aspects to verify the external factors of the three colors of the Tang Dynasty: 1. (2) the color decoration of pottery is closely related to the special dyeing and weaving technology of Tang Dynasty, and many decorative patterns can be traced back to the popular decoration on the Silk Road; 3. In terms of subject matter, the shapes and concepts of the terracotta warriors in the three colors of the Tang Dynasty can be traced back to the influence of various civilizations in Central Asia on the Silk Road. To a certain extent, the factors of many artifacts and cultural concepts in the context of the material and cultural exchanges between China and the West have created the unique artistic style of the three colors of the Tang Dynasty.
【作者单位】: 洛阳师范学院美术学院;
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