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发布时间:2018-11-21 12:25
【摘要】:在中国这片土壤上,人们提到玉都难免会有复杂的心情,或是崇敬、或是景仰亦或是神秘,我想这在很大程度上是因为中国玉器工艺发展历程的漫长与久远。而苏州玉器工艺在这漫长的历程中最早可以追溯至六千多年前新石器时代的马家浜文化晚期。苏州的琢玉不仅历史悠久,而且技艺超凡,经过无数能工巧匠的精琢细磨,苏州玉器工艺在发展变迁的过程中,已然形成了自己“小巧、精细、雅致”的独特风格。 本文通过对历史文献、地方史志资料、苏州玉石雕刻厂厂志、地方档案资料等关于苏州玉器工艺这门手工技艺及其传承方面的资料进行查阅,并在此基础上,对苏州玉器工艺形成其地域风格的成因进行了梳理;本文关于苏州玉器工艺的传承研究主要是从传承人的角度对苏州玉器工艺传承体制和传承方法的内容加以考析,由于这方面内容有文字记录的文献较少,故只能通过一些史志资料与田野考查中收集到的资料相结合进行相关思考,文中相关的事例也主要以考查到的解放后的状况为主;此外本文对苏州玉器工艺的传承现状也给予了关注,并试图从文化变迁的角度以及理论深度上考察其在现当代社会中的存在状况及诸多转变。 本文在提倡苏州玉器工艺的传承发展及创新的同时也倡导对苏州玉器工艺的非物质文化遗产的保护。最后以保护苏州玉器工艺这一非物质文化遗产为目的,提出了合理化的建议。
[Abstract]:In this soil of China, people mention that jade inevitably has complex feelings, either reverence, admiration or mystery. I think this is largely due to the long and long history of the development of Chinese jade crafts. In this long process, Suzhou jade craft can be traced back to the late Majiabang culture more than 6,000 years ago in the Neolithic Age. Suzhou jade not only has a long history, but also has excellent skills. Through the fine grinding of countless skilled craftsmen, Suzhou jade craft has formed its own unique style of "small, fine and elegant" in the process of development and change. Based on the historical documents, the local historical records, the records of the jade carving factory in Suzhou, the local archives, and so on, the paper makes a reference to the hand craft of Suzhou jade craft and its inheritance, and on this basis, The causes of the formation of the regional style of Suzhou jade craft were combed out. In this paper, the inheritance of Suzhou jade craft is mainly studied from the perspective of inheritors, because there are few documents about the inheritance of Suzhou jade craft. Therefore, we can only combine some historical records with the data collected in the field survey, and the relevant examples in this paper mainly focus on the post-liberation situation. In addition, this paper also pays attention to the status quo of the inheritance of Suzhou jade craft, and attempts to investigate its existence and many changes in modern society from the perspective of cultural change and theoretical depth. This paper advocates the inheritance, development and innovation of Suzhou jade craft, and also advocates the protection of the intangible cultural heritage of Suzhou jade craft. Finally, some reasonable suggestions are put forward in order to protect the intangible cultural heritage of Suzhou Jade Craft.


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7 李振平邋 李e,




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