[Abstract]:From July to August 2013, the Xinjiang Institute of Cultural relics and Archaeology carried out a detailed survey and mapping of more than 40 cemeteries and stone sites in the northeastern front of the Habchi Hansar, Hal Hatigou and Bayinbrook grasslands in the northeast of the Loadus Basin, Xinjiang. At the same time, 6 cemeteries and 1 stonework site located in the construction area were excavated and 29 tombs belonging to 5 cemeteries were cleared. Among them, 25 tombs around the stone, the burial characteristics of the tombs are basically the same as the burial characteristics of Chawu Hu culture, its age is the same as the late Chawu culture, belonging to the late Bronze Age to the early Iron Age; Shidui tomb 4, burial utensils poor, the age remains to be discussed. The work of archaeology and mapping enriches the understanding of the ancient cultural connotations in Hejing area and even Yanqi basin, and provides important clues for exploring the source and direction of the culture of Wuhu.
【作者单位】: 新疆文物考古研究所;
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