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发布时间:2019-01-19 09:58
[Abstract]:Stone relief is the greatest art in Han Dynasty, and its artistic expression, including space expression, has been paid more and more attention by researchers. This paper takes the Han stone tombs unearthed in Nanyang area as the main research object, and based on the publication of the Chinese portrait atlas and the published archaeological excavation report. Referring to the relevant research results of previous scholars, this paper attempts to summarize the basic rules of the spatial representation of portraits in the Han Dynasty stone relief in Nanyang. In this paper, it is divided into two types: combination image and single image, and then the combined image is divided into three kinds: spatial left and right relation, upper and lower relation and overlap relation. The analysis of a single image focuses on the analysis of its composition angle of view and concludes it into two forms: 1 / 2 vertical angle and 3 / 4 vertical angle. Another important content of this paper is to analyze the spatial perspective of the stone relief in Nanyang Han Dynasty. As the expression of space in the stone relief of the Han Dynasty in Nanyang also contains a prominent emphasis on the relationship between the left and right of space, the relationship between top and bottom, the relation of overlap and the relation of angle of view. On the basis of clarifying its spatial expression relationship, this paper puts forward the classification of scattered point perspective method and disguised dispersion point perspective method, and then generalizes and summarizes the particularity of the spatial perspective method in Nanyang area.


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