发布时间:2019-01-27 07:50
[Abstract]:Jade is a unique beauty in Chinese culture, and its concept of beauty originates from all aspects of ancient etiquette. The ritual vessels have jade, the witchcraft has jade, the jade is the symbol of the king, and the unity of jade, god and spirit constitutes the intrinsic nature of jade beauty. The ware of ritual and the jade of dress constitute the external dominance of the beauty of jade. After being rationalized, the beauty of jade was embodied in religious immortals, on the other hand, in the system of imperial court and scholar, and expanded to all aspects of culture, which constituted the unique brilliance of Chinese beauty.
[Abstract]:Jade is a unique beauty in Chinese culture, and its concept of beauty originates from all aspects of ancient etiquette. The ritual vessels have jade, the witchcraft has jade, the jade is the symbol of the king, and the unity of jade, god and spirit constitutes the intrinsic nature of jade beauty. The ware of ritual and the jade of dress constitute the external dominance of the beauty of jade. After being rationalized, the beauty of jade was embodied in religious immortals, on the other hand, in the system of imperial court and scholar, and expanded to all aspects of culture, which constituted the unique brilliance of Chinese beauty.
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