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发布时间:2019-02-15 04:11
【摘要】:湘江中上游地区商周时期的考古学文化面貌一直以来很不清晰,最近潇湘上游地区商周遗存考古调查和发掘材料的公布为该领域的初步研究奠定了基础。本文以这批新获得的考古材料为主,通过对所有出土遗物进行现场观察,同时,根据原报告提供的线索,严格遵照考古地层学和类型学原则对这批材料重新进行了分类排序和陶系、纹饰、器类等统计工作,再结合以往该地区原有的商周考古资料及研究成果,对整个湘江中上游地区商周时期考古学文化的谱系、分期、分区、年代及文化性质等重要问题进行了综合研究。 本文研究的主要结论如下: 1、就现有材料来看,本地商周时期考古学文化应该分为具有新石器时代晚期文化传统特色的“望子岗一期遗存”和以本地文化传统为主并受到湘江下游等地同期文化影响而形成的地方青铜文化“坐果山类型遗存”两类,年代分别相当于中原地区的夏代至商代前期、商代后期至春秋时期;“越人墓葬遗存”是以具有典型地方特征的春秋时期墓葬为代表的一类遗存,学术界一致认为其墓主人正是湘江流域的土著民族——古代越人,该类遗存当属“坐果山类型遗存”晚期阶段的内涵之一。据此,本地商周时期的考古学文化可以划分为时间先后连续发展的两类文化遗存,即望子岗一期遗存——坐果山类型遗存。 2、通过对望子岗一期遗存和坐果山类型遗存主要文化内涵的比较分析发现两者不仅时间上相互衔接,而且文化传统上也联系紧密,文化面貌上均表现出以本地文化传统为主体等特征,两者是属于同一文化系统中前后承继、延续发展的两种考古学文化遗存。这一结论与有的学者将该地区商周时期考古学文化划分为分属于不同文化系统的两个类型,即东南亚环太平洋文化系统和洞庭湖区文化系统的观点相左。即便本文分区探索的结果表明,潇水中上游流域与湘水、湘江中游及潇水下游地区同期考古学文化面貌略有差异,但尚不足以否定这两个分区整体文化面貌的高度一致性,这两个区域仍同属于一个考古学文化的分布范围,或许今后因考古材料进一步丰富可以细分为同一文化的两个区域类型。 3、本地商周时期考古学文化族属为古代越族的支系——扬越。 4、本地商周时期考古学文化与周邻地区及本地前、后时期的考古学文化存在一定的交流与影响。 5、本地商周时期的青铜器是坐果山类型遗存的晚期阶段文化内涵之一,其青铜文明在湘江下游炭河里文化的影响下有一个逐步发展的过程,,并于春秋时期达到了顶峰。 上述研究成果将为湘江中上游地区先秦时期地方史的补白和框架构建提供重要线索及依据,可以作为一定区域内人类文明问题研究的个案及范例。
[Abstract]:The archaeological and cultural features of the Shang and Zhou dynasties in the upper and middle reaches of the Xiangjiang River have not been clear. The recent archaeological investigation and excavation materials in the Shang and Zhou dynasties in the upper reaches of Xiaoxiang River have laid a foundation for the preliminary research in this field. This article is based on these newly acquired archaeological materials, through on-site observation of all unearthed relics, and at the same time, according to the clues provided by the original report, In strict compliance with the principles of archaeological stratigraphy and typology, the materials were reclassified and sorted, as well as the statistical work of the pottery system, ornamentation and apparatus, and combined with the original archaeological data and research results of the Shang and Zhou dynasties in the region. This paper makes a comprehensive study on the genealogy, division, age and cultural nature of archaeological culture in the Shang and Zhou dynasties in the upper and middle reaches of Xiangjiang River. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: 1. The archaeological culture of the local Shang and Zhou dynasties should be divided into the "Wangzigang first period remains" with the characteristics of the cultural tradition of the late Neolithic period and the place formed mainly by the local cultural tradition and influenced by the corresponding culture in the lower reaches of the Xiangjiang River, etc. There are two kinds of culture of square bronze, "sitting fruit mountain type remains", The age is the same as the Xia Dynasty to the early Shang Dynasty and the late Shang Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn period in the Central Plains. "the tomb remains of Yue people" is a kind of remains represented by the tomb of the Spring and Autumn period with typical local characteristics. The academic circles unanimously believe that the owner of the tomb is the ancient Yue people, the aboriginal people of the Xiangjiang River Basin. This kind of remains is one of the connotations of the late stage of the "Liguoshan type remains". Accordingly, the archaeological culture of the local Shang and Zhou dynasties can be divided into two types of cultural relics which have developed successively in time, namely, the first stage of Wangzigang's remains, the type of Xiguoshan remains. 2. Through the comparative analysis of the main cultural connotations of the first phase of Wangzigang's remains and the type of Xiguoshan's remains, it is found that the two are not only connected with each other in time, but also closely connected with each other in the traditional culture. Both of them belong to the same cultural system and continue to develop in the same cultural system. They are two kinds of archaeological cultural relics which belong to the same cultural system and continue to develop. This conclusion is contrary to the view that some scholars divided the archaeological culture of the Shang and Zhou dynasties into two types belonging to different cultural systems, namely, the Southeast Asian Rim Pacific Culture system and the Dongting Lake District Cultural system. Even though the results of this study show that there are some differences in archaeological cultural features between the upper reaches of Xiaoshui and Xiangshui, the middle and lower reaches of Xiangjiang and Xiaoshui, it is not enough to deny the high consistency of the overall cultural features of the two sub-regions. These two regions still belong to the same distribution range of archaeological culture and may be subdivided into two regional types of the same culture in the future due to the further enrichment of archaeological materials. 3. The archaeological cultural clan of the local Shang and Zhou dynasties is a branch of the ancient Yue nationality-Yangyue. 4. The archaeological culture of the local Shang and Zhou dynasties has some communication and influence with the local archaeological culture in the neighboring areas and before and after the period. 5. The bronze ware of the local Shang and Zhou dynasties is one of the cultural connotations of the late stage of Xiguoshan, whose bronze civilization has a gradual development process under the influence of the charcoal river culture in the lower reaches of the Xiangjiang River, and reached its peak in the Spring and Autumn period. The above research results will provide important clues and basis for the supplement of the local history and the construction of the frame of the local history of the pre-Qin period in the middle and upper reaches of the Xiangjiang River, and can be used as a case study and an example for the study of human civilization in a certain region.


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