[Abstract]:The National Museum of China's "Exhibition of Cultural relics Collection in commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the War of Resistance against Japan", with the theme of "War of Resistance against Japan and Literature", "Exhibition of Literature and War of Resistance against Japan", "Yan'an Film Troupe Historical Materials Exhibition", "Wood carving Exhibition of the War of Resistance against Japan", "Exhibition of Photography of the War of Resistance against Japan", The "Liang You-ming Art Exhibition of the War of Resistance" includes five exhibitions, using the museum's collection of more than 1100 historical relics and photographic works, as well as historical photographs, historical materials, etc., from various angles. It reproduces in all directions the great contributions made by writers and artists in the War of Resistance against Japan. The five exhibitions are related to each other and have their own characteristics. They all reproduce the history of different regions, different periods and different artistic forms in the War of Resistance against Japan. The overall design of the exhibition reflects each other, showing the richness in the artistic language of the exhibition, reflecting the brilliance of "the equal emphasis of history and art". This exhibition demonstrates the unremitting efforts of the National Museum in the research and utilization of cultural relics in its collection. It also shows the great progress of the National Museum in the exhibition planning under the new development orientation of "paying equal attention to history and art".
【作者单位】: 中国国家博物馆;
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