[Abstract]:The research objects of this paper are 11 facets of Guanyin in 31 grottoes of Alzhai Grottoes, the King of Pishamen and the Mural of the eight Night Forks. Al Zhai Grottoes is located in the Inner Mongolia Okok Banner in the Alba Mountain. So far found in Inner Mongolia grassland, with a relatively large-scale grottoes only one. The Alzhai Grottoes, a collection of temples, palaces, grottoes, cliff carvings, murals, sculptures, Uighur Mongolian, Sanskrit and Tibetan inscriptions, The Buddhist art treasure house of Basiba is also a grotto temple with the functions of ritual Buddha and sacrifice. This paper takes the murals of the 31 grottoes of Alzhai Grottoes as the breakthrough point, through the textual research of the contents, the discussion of the system of the gods and the related contents, and then clarifies the relationship between the spirit system of the murals of the Alzhai Grottoes and the cultural exchange of many nationalities. Combining with historical documents, this paper analyzes the images of the murals of the Alzhai Grottoes, and decomposes the contents of the murals of the 31 grottoes of Alzhai Grottoes in Inner Mongolia in detail. The murals of the 31 grottoes of Alzhai Grottoes not only inherit and develop the subject matter from Tibetan Buddhism, but also embody the artistic form with the cultural characteristics of the Central Plains. At the same time, the Mongolian Buddhist content in the murals is a reflection of the regional and national character of Tibetan Buddhism in Inner Mongolia, thus revealing the internal reasons for the extensive construction of the Alzhai Grottoes in Inner Mongolia, as well as their relationship with religion and politics in Inner Mongolia. Cultural ties. In this paper, a large number of existing historical remains of Alzhai Grottoes will be comprehensively combed and studied from four aspects. The first part: from the historical point of view, using a lot of documents, including Mongol Secret History, Chinese religious Art History, to investigate the historical evolution of Alzhai Grottoes, the description of documents and the status of preservation and abolition in an all-round way. The second part: using the method of archaeology and history, this paper interprets and dissects the picture of Guanyin saving eight difficulties, the King of Vishamen and the eight night fork mandala in Alzhai Grottoes. The third part: the comparative study between the Pishamen King and the eight Night Forks in different areas of Tibet and Dunhuang. The fourth part: a series of problems reflected by the murals of Alzhai Grottoes are preliminarily studied. In addition to its own special historical and artistic value, it also shows the information of multi-national cultural exchange from many aspects.
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