发布时间:2019-03-31 14:59
【摘要】:新石器时期玉器的演变发展经历了一个漫长的过程,各地区文化之间存在着相互传承的关系。中国史前玉器至少可以分为以辽河和太湖为重心的北、南两大系统。辽河流域玉器,从阜新查海为代表的遗存至红山文化之间,虽然还有很大的缺段,但红山文化以其自身特点强烈的玉器群说明,在此之前必已经历了较长的发展过程,并形成了颇具特色的文化传统。由马家浜文化、经崧泽文化,发展至良渚文化,由少到多、由小到大、由简到繁、由粗到精,整个发展脉络十分清晰。 红山文化距今约6500-5000年,而红山文化玉器集中在其晚期,距今5500—5000年;良渚文化玉器距今5300—4000年。它们的玉器风格虽各有特色,但其社会发展阶段和宗教信仰却有着内在的关联。 本文第一部分,分别对红山文化和良渚文化玉器进行了介绍,并列举了两种文化玉器的考古发现。 第二部分,先就这两种文化玉器玉料的材质和来源进行了对比分析,又对出土玉器的器型和制作工艺等方面进行对比论证,并对典型玉器配图说明;以期通过对古文明出土玉器物化形式的细节分析,揭示隐藏其后的精神原动力——原始的宗教崇拜。 第三部分,最后,本文对两种玉文化的历史地位进行了论述,阐明观点:红山文化玉器和良渚文化玉器无论是玉器制作加工的具体物化环节,还是众多形态各异的器形和纹饰的设计和完成,都真实地再现了当时的社会风貌,反映了宗教、礼仪等方面的发展脉络。无论红山文化的“神灵”崇拜,还是良渚文化的“神人”崇拜,都在出土玉器上得到了充分的体现。尽管两种文化分处南北两地,所处的时期各异,但分析两种文化玉器,我们可以清晰地看出人类文明前进的原动力——原始的宗教崇拜。顺着这一脉络研究,我想很多问题都能找到答案。
[Abstract]:The evolution and development of jade in Neolithic period went through a long process. Chinese prehistoric jade can at least be divided into north and south systems focusing on Liaohe and Taihu Lake. Although there is still a large gap between the jade ware of Liaohe River Basin, represented by Ci, Fuxin, and Hongshan culture, the Hongshan culture, with its strong characteristics, shows that it must have experienced a long process of development before this. And formed a rather distinctive cultural tradition. From Majiabang culture, through Songze culture, to Liangzhu culture, from little to many, from small to large, from simple to complex, from coarse to fine, the whole development vein is very clear. Hongshan culture is about 6000-5000 years ago, and Hongshan culture jade ware is concentrated in its late stage, 5000 years ago, Liangzhu culture jade ware is 5300-4000 years ago. Although their jade styles have their own characteristics, their social development stages and religious beliefs are intrinsically related. In the first part of this paper, the Hongshan culture and Liangzhu culture jade ware are introduced, and the archaeological discovery of the two kinds of cultural jade ware are listed. In the second part, the materials and sources of these two kinds of cultural jade are compared and analyzed firstly, and then the utensils and making technology of the unearthed jade are compared and demonstrated, and the typical jade is illustrated by drawing. Through the detailed analysis of the materialized form of jade unearthed by ancient civilization, it is hoped to reveal the spiritual motive behind it-primitive religious worship. The third part, finally, this paper discusses the historical status of two kinds of jade culture, and clarifies the viewpoint: Hongshan culture jade ware and Liangzhu culture jade ware are no matter the concrete materialization link of jade ware making and processing, The design and completion of many different forms of utensils and ornaments reproduces the social features of that time and reflects the development of religion and etiquette. Both the worship of "god" in Hongshan culture and the worship of "god man" in Liangzhu culture have been fully reflected in the unearthed jade ware. Although the two cultures are divided between the north and the south in different periods, we can clearly see that the original religious worship is the driving force of the advance of human civilization by analyzing the jade objects of the two cultures. Following this thread of study, I think a lot of questions can be found.
[Abstract]:The evolution and development of jade in Neolithic period went through a long process. Chinese prehistoric jade can at least be divided into north and south systems focusing on Liaohe and Taihu Lake. Although there is still a large gap between the jade ware of Liaohe River Basin, represented by Ci, Fuxin, and Hongshan culture, the Hongshan culture, with its strong characteristics, shows that it must have experienced a long process of development before this. And formed a rather distinctive cultural tradition. From Majiabang culture, through Songze culture, to Liangzhu culture, from little to many, from small to large, from simple to complex, from coarse to fine, the whole development vein is very clear. Hongshan culture is about 6000-5000 years ago, and Hongshan culture jade ware is concentrated in its late stage, 5000 years ago, Liangzhu culture jade ware is 5300-4000 years ago. Although their jade styles have their own characteristics, their social development stages and religious beliefs are intrinsically related. In the first part of this paper, the Hongshan culture and Liangzhu culture jade ware are introduced, and the archaeological discovery of the two kinds of cultural jade ware are listed. In the second part, the materials and sources of these two kinds of cultural jade are compared and analyzed firstly, and then the utensils and making technology of the unearthed jade are compared and demonstrated, and the typical jade is illustrated by drawing. Through the detailed analysis of the materialized form of jade unearthed by ancient civilization, it is hoped to reveal the spiritual motive behind it-primitive religious worship. The third part, finally, this paper discusses the historical status of two kinds of jade culture, and clarifies the viewpoint: Hongshan culture jade ware and Liangzhu culture jade ware are no matter the concrete materialization link of jade ware making and processing, The design and completion of many different forms of utensils and ornaments reproduces the social features of that time and reflects the development of religion and etiquette. Both the worship of "god" in Hongshan culture and the worship of "god man" in Liangzhu culture have been fully reflected in the unearthed jade ware. Although the two cultures are divided between the north and the south in different periods, we can clearly see that the original religious worship is the driving force of the advance of human civilization by analyzing the jade objects of the two cultures. Following this thread of study, I think a lot of questions can be found.
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