[Abstract]:Jiayuguan Wei and Jin tomb murals are large family tombs found in Jiayuguan area of Gansu Province, in which the murals are well preserved and of great artistic value. The content of Jiayuguan mural is unique, which is very different from the stone portrait of Han Dynasty, and the form is simple and mysterious, which embodies the freehand spirit of the continuous absence of self and the forgetting of words, and reflects the style of the Jin people of the times. Through the reading of Jiayuguan murals to relive the spirit of that era and the achievements of philosophy, literature and art under the influence of metaphysics in Wei and Jin dynasties, this paper has a deeper understanding of the demeanor and beauty of Wei and Jin people. And through the interpretation of the charm of Wei and Jin dynasties, deepening and expanding the understanding of the beauty of the charm of Chinese civilization is of great enlightening significance to the practical aesthetic practice.
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