[Abstract]:In order to identify the types of mural pigments nondestructive, according to the different absorption characteristics of different substances to light, which determines the different spectral reflectivity, a pigment recognition method based on visible spectrum is proposed. The pigments used in Dunhuang murals are analyzed. The second derivative negative part of the visible spectral curve is extracted to characterize the geometric outline of the peak region of the curve, and the median pyramid is used to characterize the extraction results with three layers of resolution to highlight the peak position information of the curve. Based on the Euclidean distance, the similarity between the mural sampling points and the pigment library samples is distinguished, so as to identify the pigment information used in the frescoes. The results show that the identification method constructed in this paper can identify the types of mural pigments nondestructive and has a certain application prospect in the field of mural digital archiving and restoration.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学印刷与包装系;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助(61575147) 国家文物局文化遗产保护领域科学和技术研究课题资助(2013-YB-HT-034)
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