[Abstract]:From May to June 2009, the Wuhan Institute of Antiquities and Archaeology and Jiangxia District Museum carried out rescue archaeological excavations of 15 groups of Ding Jiazui M1 and M2 in Guangxing Village, Shanpo Township, Jiangxia District, Wuhan City, and unearthed a number of bamboo slips [1]. From February to March 2011, Li Tianhong, a research group led by Li Tianhong, Jian Silk Research Center of Wuhan University, conducted a field investigation and photography of Ding Jiazui Chu Jane. All the conventional and infrared image data of Chu bamboo slips in Ding Jiazui were obtained. At present, the interpretation and combination of these bamboo slips have been preliminarily completed, and their contents and properties have been preliminarily understood.
【作者单位】: 武汉市文物考古研究所;武汉大学历史学院简帛研究中心;
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