[Abstract]:In September 1992, at the "International Symposium on Dunhuang Turpan Studies" held in Fangshan, Beijing, a famous scholar, Mr. Ji Xianlin of the Turpan Society of Dunhuang, China, put forward: "Dunhuang in China, Dunhuang study belongs to the whole world." This formulation has been highly approved by Chinese and foreign scholars. As he said, Dunhuang has attracted the attention of many countries and scholars since its birth, and has gradually developed into an international prominent study that attracts the attention of the world. Dunhuang study was born with the discovery of Tibetan scriptures in Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes in 1900. After the discovery of Dunhuang documents, they were robbed by some foreign "explorers" and dispersed abroad in large numbers. This is Chinese academic.
【作者单位】: 西北师范大学敦煌学研究所;
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