
发布时间:2018-01-22 04:51

  本文关键词: 知识社会 社会转型 马克思主义学习型政党建设 出处:《湖南科技大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:学习是马克思主义政党的重要特质和前进基础。中国共产党历来重视学习、善于学习。一部中共党史就是中共不断依据变化了的社会环境和改变了的历史方位而创造性地推进马克思主义学习型政党建设的历史。自中共十七届四中全会明确强调要将马克思主义学习型政党建设作为一项重大而紧迫的战略任务切实抓紧抓好以来,党的十七届五中全会将“推进学习型党组织建设”写入“十二五”规划之后,胡锦涛总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立90周年大会上的讲话中则阐述了“按照建设马克思主义学习型政党的要求,抓紧学习人类社会创造的一切科学的新思想新知识”的科学论断。而党的十七届六中全会又提出了“以建设学习型党组织为抓手,大力推进马克思主义学习型政党建设”的宏大目标。建设马克思主义学习型政党,是马克思主义党建理论中国化的重要成果之一。 从世界范围来看,经济全球化和信息技术的迅猛发展,正在推动当今世界的社会经济形态朝着知识社会的目标迈进。知识正日益成为经济发展和社会进步的核心要件和决定性因素,成为财富创造的第一资源,知识经济成为社会的重要经济形态之一,创新成为社会发展的主要动力和竞争力的核心因素。尽管知识社会还是有待准确定义的社会形态,但它从经济结构、政治结构、文化结构和社会结构等几个方面对传统的工业社会产生了深刻影响,并促进了社会的新的转型。中国当代社会的转型正在受到这种潮流的深刻影响。 将社会转型和党的建设结合起来进行研究,是党建理论研究不可回避的问题。从知识社会的视域探讨马克思主义学习型政党建设,具有深远的理论价值和强烈的现实意义。马克思主义学习型政党和知识社会在理论上存在多方面的关联性,知识社会的形成对“学习型”政党建设提出了多方面的问题,,知识社会转型为马克思主义学习型政党建设提供了新的历史机遇,也为马克思主义学习型政党建设提出了新的时代要求,同时还对马克思主义学习型政党建设提出了新的知识诉求。从知识社会视域对马克思主义学习型政党建设开展研究还需要在开阔视野、拓宽思路、扩展视角等方面进一步推进。
[Abstract]:Learning is an important characteristic and foundation of Marxist political parties, and the Communist Party of China has always attached importance to learning. Be good at learning. A history of the Communist Party of China is the history in which the CPC creatively promotes the construction of Marxist learning-type political parties according to the changed social environment and the changed historical orientation. Since the fourth Plenary session of the 17 CPC Central Committee, the Communist Party of China has creatively promoted the construction of a learning party. It is indeed stressed that the construction of a Marxist learning-type political party should be taken as a major and urgent strategic task since it was effectively grasped. The Fifth Plenary session of the 17 CPC Central Committee will "promote the construction of learning-type party organizations" after the 12th Five-Year Plan. In his speech marking the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Hu Jintao stated the "requirements for building a Marxist learning party according to the requirements." We should pay close attention to the study of all new scientific ideas and new knowledge created by human society, "and the sixth Plenary session of the 17 CPC Central Committee put forward the idea of" building a learning-type party organization as the starting point. It is one of the important achievements of the Sinicization of Marxist Party Construction Theory to build Marxist learning-type political party. Worldwide, economic globalization and the rapid development of information technology. Knowledge is increasingly becoming the core element and decisive factor of economic development and social progress and the first resource of wealth creation. Knowledge economy has become one of the important economic forms of the society, and innovation has become the main motive force and core factor of the competitiveness of the society. Although the knowledge society still needs to be precisely defined as the social form, it is based on the economic structure. The political structure, cultural structure and social structure have had a profound impact on the traditional industrial society. And promoted the new transformation of the society. The transformation of the contemporary society in China is being deeply influenced by this trend. It is an unavoidable problem to study the theory of party building by combining social transformation with party building. This paper discusses the construction of Marxist learning party from the perspective of knowledge society. It has profound theoretical value and strong practical significance. Marxist learning party and knowledge society are related in many aspects in theory. The formation of the knowledge society has raised many problems for the construction of the "learning-type" political party, and the transformation of the knowledge society has provided a new historical opportunity for the construction of the learning-type political party of Marxism. It also puts forward new times requirements for the construction of Marxist learning-type political party. At the same time, it also puts forward a new knowledge demand for the construction of Marxist learning-type political party. From the perspective of knowledge society, the research on the construction of Marxist learning-type political party needs to broaden its vision and broaden its train of thought. Expand the angle of view and other aspects to further advance.


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