本文关键词: 青少年毛泽东 救亡图存 学习观 出处:《湘潭大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Mao Zedong is the greatest proletarian revolutionist, politician, strategist and thinker in the modern history of China. The concentrated and typical reflection of the nearly 100 years of advanced Chinese people's pursuit of truth, arduous struggle of the exploration process, more vividly reflected Mao Zedong's personality characteristics. Mao Zedong can achieve such great achievements and his learning experience as a teenager is inseparable. The internal and external troubles of the country and nation have inspired the learning motivation of Mao Zedong... . The influence of Huxiang culture makes Mao Zedong's study spirit more firm, and the learning and practice experience of his youth period directly enriches the learning content of Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong's view of learning in his youth was born in a favorable situation. In his youth's age, the concept of learning was rich in content and profound in meaning. It was mainly embodied in the following aspects: first, setting up the ideal of saving the nation and saving the people. Closely combine learning with the realization of saving the nation and saving the people; Second, it is necessary to have a learning attitude of integrating knowledge and practice, not only to read the book without words, but also to test the merits and demerits of learning in practice; The third is to have a persistent spirit of learning, on the one hand, hard work and hard work, on the other hand, advocate "barbaric physique and civilized spirit"; Fourth, there should be unswerving learning principles, comprehensive development in the study policy, the use of the past for the present in the content of learning, the use of foreign materials in China, and the promotion of independent thinking based on ourselves in the study law; Fifth, it is necessary to have scientific and effective learning methods, adhere to the "four more" learning method. The method of using tools and the method of comparative study. The study view of youth Mao Zedong has important realistic value in contemporary times. The lofty learning ideal of Mao Zedong is helpful for the young students to establish the goal of growing up and becoming a talented person. Mao Zedong's efficient learning method is helpful to guide contemporary young students to improve their learning quality. Mao Zedong's indomitable study spirit has the value of example to the contemporary youth; Mao Zedong's learning attitude of integration of knowledge and practice guides the improvement of the comprehensive ability of contemporary young students.
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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中国博士学位论文全文数据库 前10条
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2 汪涛;毛泽东伟人品格研究[D];西北大学;2013年
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8 张春荣;毛泽东国情思想及其当代价值[D];河北大学;2010年
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中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前10条
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2 赵国江;新中国成立后毛泽东的平等思想与实践[D];首都师范大学;2009年
3 张谦;毛泽东公平思想研究[D];东北林业大学;2008年
4 李爱菊;毛泽东发展观研究[D];山东大学;2009年
5 杨少东;毛泽东管理思想研究[D];陕西师范大学;2009年
6 唐奎;毛泽东为人民谋福利的思想及其当代启示[D];河北师范大学;2010年
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8 刘向芝;民主革命时期毛泽东农民教育思想研究[D];曲阜师范大学;2011年
9 李拥军;毛泽东管理思想研究[D];湖南师范大学;2005年
10 杨爱霞;毛泽东新民主主义革命时期农民教育思想研究[D];河南大学;2006年