发布时间:2018-06-17 08:59
本文选题:拜物教 + 以人为本 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:马克思主义理论是人们认识世界和改造世界的有力武器,它是经过无数次实践检验的真理。在马克思主义理论体系中,拜物教批判理论具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。马克思提出剩余价值论,揭露资本主义虚伪性的合理依据就得益于他对于拜物教的批判。然而,拜物教并不是资本主义制度体系的独特产物。在我国社会主义市场经济体系中,也可能存在。随着全球化和市场化的发展,我国已经成为世界市场体系中不可或缺的一部分。对我国经济社会发展而言,这既是机遇,也是挑战。世界市场体系的发展,给中国经济的发展提供了更广阔的市场和机会,但又使中国经济体承担了更多的世界经济风险;与此同时,资本主义生活方式对我们的生活方式产生了巨大影响,金钱在权力结构和社会结构中的作用被捧高。正是由于受到这些因素的影响,拜物现象也存在于我国社会生活实践中。从实质来看,这些拜物现象与马克思所批判的拜物教并无二致,但就其具体表现而言,又有其独特性。但毋庸置疑,当代生活中的拜物教给人们社会生活、国家发展带来了诸多问题,尤其是对于党和国家提出的以人为本的科学发展观构成了理念和行动上的挑战。 本文试图运用马克思的拜物教理论对我国当代社会生活中的拜物现象进行解释,并在此基础上提出消解这些现象的对策。全文分为四个部分,导论主要介绍本课题研究的背景、研究意义、研究思路及逻辑;第一章主要论述了马克思的拜物教理论以及鲍德里亚和马尔库塞对马克思拜物教理论的发展;第二章主要写当代社会生活中的拜物现象,亦即拜物现象是如何对以人为本的科学发展观构成挑战的。并运用马克思拜物教理论分析这些拜物现象的实质和原因;第三章根据马克思主义拜物教理论的启示,回归以人为本的科学发展观,消解拜物现象。
[Abstract]:Marxist theory is a powerful weapon for people to understand and transform the world. In Marxist theory system, fetishism critical theory has important theoretical and practical significance. Marx put forward the theory of surplus value and revealed the reasonable basis of capitalist hypocrisy thanks to his criticism of fetishism. However, fetishism is not a unique product of the capitalist system. In our country socialist market economy system, also may exist. With the development of globalization and marketization, China has become an indispensable part of the world market system. To our country's economic and social development, this is both an opportunity and a challenge. The development of the world market system provides a broader market and opportunities for the development of China's economy, but it also makes the Chinese economy bear more risks in the world economy; at the same time, The capitalist way of life has had a great impact on our way of life, and the role of money in the structure of power and society has been highly appreciated. Because of the influence of these factors, the phenomenon of worship also exists in the practice of our social life. In essence, these phenomena of worship are no different from the fetishism criticized by Marx. However, there is no doubt that fetishism in contemporary life has brought many problems to people's social life and the development of the country, especially to the scientific development concept of people-oriented put forward by the Party and the country, which constitutes a challenge in concept and action. This paper attempts to use Marx's fetishism theory to explain the phenomena of worship in the contemporary social life of our country, and on this basis puts forward the countermeasures to eliminate these phenomena. The full text is divided into four parts. The introduction mainly introduces the background, significance, thinking and logic of the research. The first chapter mainly discusses Marx's fetishism theory and the development of Baudrillard and Marcuse's fetishism theory. That is to say, the phenomenon of worship of objects is a challenge to the scientific development view of people-oriented. In the third chapter, according to the enlightenment of Marxist fetishism theory, we return to the scientific development view of people-oriented, and eliminate the phenomenon of worship.
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