本文选题:马克思主义 + 发展型 ; 参考:《江南大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:家庭作为社会的细胞,是福利的组织和实施者,也是福利资源最基本、最重要的来源。家庭福利建设关系着每个人的生活质量和幸福,关系着一个民族的进步和国家经济社会的发展。1970年以后,西方发达国家面对福利政策造成的财政困难和“空巢家庭”、“单亲家庭”等带来的社会问题,开始向家庭福利回归,通过对家庭给予关心、予以家庭支持和投资,来寻找解决问题的出路,提出了“发展型家庭政策”。“发展型家庭政策”主张支持家庭保护儿童成长、提供服务协调工作与家庭平衡和早期干预防范家庭危机,其关注家庭人力资本投资、注重协调发展和对于家庭问题源头预防的政策特点被西方许多国家接受并予以实践。 在此背景下,国内学者也开始关注“发展型家庭政策”,通过研究提出了“建构我国发展型家庭政策”的福利设想。虽然“发展型家庭政策”对我国家庭福利政策建构有一定的启示和借鉴意义,但是由于国家性质和意识形态的区别,我国的福利建设有一定的特殊性,还需依据马克思主义的基本原理,特别是马克思主义福利观的基本思想进行建构。诚然,“发展型家庭政策”与马克思主义福利观共同以“家庭”作为研究对象、将“发展”作为分析视角、并要求“权利与义务”相统一,两者有很多相似之处;但是两者在福利价值观、福利的分析视角、福利政策的目标、福利的内容、福利资金筹集等多方面存在明显差异,发展型家庭政策不能完全套用于我国的家庭福利政策建设之中,,具有中国特色的家庭福利政策必须以马克思主义福利观为基础、立足国情,加以研究与应用。 运用马克思主义福利观对“发展型家庭政策”研究可以发现,马克思主义福利观主张发挥国家在福利建设中的积极作用。因此需要通过重视家庭福利制度,完善家庭政策法律体系,整合家庭福利资源,兴办家庭福利服务,加大财政对福利的投入,推动家庭政策与家庭福利制度建设的基础理论和政策实践研究来建构具有中国特色的家庭福利政策。
[Abstract]:Family, as the cell of society, is the organization and implementer of welfare, and also the most basic and important source of welfare resources. The construction of family welfare is related to the quality of life and happiness of everyone, the progress of a nation and the development of national economy and society. After 1970, the western developed countries faced with the financial difficulties caused by welfare policies and the "empty nest families". The social problems brought about by "single-parent families" began to return to the welfare of the family. Through the care of the family, the support and investment of the family, the way to solve the problem was found, and the "developmental family policy" was put forward. The "Developmental Family Policy" advocates supporting families to protect children from growth, provides services to coordinate work and family balance and early intervention to prevent family crises, and focuses on family human capital investment. The policy features of coordinated development and prevention of the source of family problems have been accepted and practiced in many western countries. In this context, domestic scholars also began to pay close attention to the "developmental family policy", and put forward the welfare assumption of "constructing the developmental family policy" through the research. Although "developmental family policy" has certain enlightenment and reference significance to the construction of family welfare policy in our country, but because of the difference of national nature and ideology, the welfare construction of our country has certain particularity. It also needs to be constructed according to the basic principles of Marxism, especially the basic thought of Marxist view of welfare. Indeed, "developmental family policy" and Marxist view of welfare take "family" as the research object, "development" as the analysis angle, and request "rights and obligations" to be unified. There are many similarities between the two. But there are obvious differences in welfare values, welfare analysis perspective, welfare policy objectives, welfare content, welfare fund raising and so on. The developmental family policy can not be used in the construction of the family welfare policy in China. The family welfare policy with Chinese characteristics must be studied and applied based on the Marxist view of welfare and based on the national conditions. By studying the developmental family policy, we can find out that the Marxist welfare view advocates giving play to the positive role of the state in the welfare construction. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the family welfare system, perfect the family policy and legal system, integrate family welfare resources, set up family welfare services, and increase the financial investment in welfare. To promote the family policy and the family welfare system construction of basic theory and policy practice research to construct the family welfare policy with Chinese characteristics.
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