[Abstract]:Mao Zedong's theoretical achievements in the exploration of socialist road were mainly supplemented by the adjustment period in the early 1960's before and after the eighth National Congress. The main content is about taking China's own road of socialist construction, thinking about socialist economic construction, theory of contradiction about socialism, assumption of socialist democratic political construction; Principles and policies on socialist cultural construction. However, Mao Zedong's socialist theory and practice have been seriously deviated from each other, mainly as follows: on the economic front, Mao Zedong has theoretically put forward the road of China's industrialization and put forward a tentative plan for the reform of the economic system. A comprehensive and balanced policy was established at the eighth National Congress. In practice, however, Mao Zedong blindly pursued high speed, criticized anti-rash advance, put forward the general policy of socialism with more speed and economy, negated the correct policy of the eighth National Congress, and launched the Great Leap forward Movement. Secondly, Mao Zedong denied the idea of economic system reform, the people's commune movement in 58 years and the later Cultural Revolution made our country become a single public ownership and planned economy mode. Mao Zedong put forward the theory of contradiction in theory, pointing out that the main contradiction of socialism is no longer class struggle. In practice, however, Mao Zedong emphasized class struggle and escalated continuously in his later years, and the tragedies of anti-right wing, anti-right deviation and the Cultural Revolution occurred one after another. In democratic politics, Mao Zedong put forward the idea of expanding democracy and abolishing the tenure system of leading posts. In practice, however, personality cult, patriarchal and arbitrary practices prevail and undermine the system of collective leadership. Mao Zedong put forward the double-hundred policy and respect for intellectuals in the thought of cultural construction, which has not been carried out in the practice of socialist construction. What is the reason for the deviation between theory and practice? In terms of ideological understanding, it is mainly due to inadequate theoretical preparation, failure to correctly understand Marxist discourse on socialism, failure to correctly understand the contradiction between productive forces and productive relations, and exaggeration of man's subjective initiative. He has no experience in building socialism, has made dogmatism and empiricism mistakes in his cognitive methods, and has deviated from the principle of seeking truth from facts in practice. The social and historical reasons are mainly influenced by western utopian socialism and China's Great Harmony thought. In the institutional aspect, advocates the personality cult, destroyed the democratic centralism and the collective leadership system. At the same time, a series of left-hand mistakes made by Mao Zedong in his later years were influenced by domestic and international factors, which were manifested in the egalitarianism of small producers, the rapid increase in production, and the speed of economic construction. Class struggle and other problems are affected by international factors. In addition, Mao Zedong's character, he is not afraid of evil, not afraid of struggle, dare to fight, plus his long experience in the war and other personal factors. Why did Mao Zedong deviate from the theory and practice of socialism? The mistakes in socialist construction before the reform and opening up have great implications for the current socialist construction. We should always remain vigilant on the road to building socialism with Chinese characteristics and avoid repeating Mao Zedong's mistakes in his later years. Truly realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
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