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依法治国_法治化 在 中国政治与国际政治 分类中 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-11-14 12:33
















  • legalization(191)

        The status and role of legalization of political operation in political modernization



        Legalization of Government Management and the Political Reform in China



        The benignant interaction of civil society and market economy,democracy is revealing that we can frame civil society's running pattern for the present stage from four aspects of market economy development,government function change,civic organization cultivation,and management of legalization in China.



        The Choice of Legalization Democracy



        Research on Legalization of Political Party in Germany





        The orientation Of Ruling by Law Of The Socialism Political Civilization



        There are not any factors that lead to rule of law, in Chinese economy, social structure and traditional culture.



        The main goal of the political civilization of socialism has characteristics, such as level quality.



        This article puts forward nine aspects of carrying forward the modern political civilization construction in our country which are the modernization of political idea,the democracy of political goal,the publicity of political activities,the legality of political administration,the science of political policy-making,the high efficiency of political proceeding,the informationalization of political measure,the honesty of political image and the secularization of political culture.



        In practices,while German foreign policy is sticking to Multilateralism principle of “integration in the west”,and promoting the civilization and legislation of international relations,it is still conditioned and influenced by the reality of interdependence in international politics.

        在实践中 ,德国外交政策致力于多边主义原则 ,坚持“西方一体化”取向 ,推动国际关系的文明化和法治化 ,但它同时也受相互依存的国际政治现实的制约和影响。 德国“文明国家”外交政策仍然有其发展的限度。






    The very political problem of Europe therefore is the re-legalization of informal power structures.


    Higher numbers of war experiences predicted PTSD severity, as did involvement in the legalization process, parenthood, and being a citizen of El Salvador.


    Our findings indicate that considerable differences exist among religious denominations regarding the legalization of euthanasia.


    The analysis includes a cross-sectional examination of the wage differences between legal and undocumented workers as well as a longitudinal analysis examining the impact of legalization on the earnings of previously-undocumented workers.


    immigration policy reform shows significant wage growth in the four years following legalization.



    On the basis of respecting the national sovereignty, the peace keeping operation has formed its essential principles of agreement, neutrality, self defence, etc. In practice, under the guidance of these principles, the peace keeping operation has paid much contribution to settling the international conflicts and have enriched itself at the same time. However, with the complex of the international situations and the limits of the peace keeping operation itself, the metamorphoses were occured during the development...

    On the basis of respecting the national sovereignty, the peace keeping operation has formed its essential principles of agreement, neutrality, self defence, etc. In practice, under the guidance of these principles, the peace keeping operation has paid much contribution to settling the international conflicts and have enriched itself at the same time. However, with the complex of the international situations and the limits of the peace keeping operation itself, the metamorphoses were occured during the development of the peace keeping operation. For the healthy development of the peace keeping operation, we should, first, strictly abide by the principle of respecting national sovereignty in settling international conflicts; secondly, advance the legal system of the peace keeping operation by negotiation of nations; thirdly, clarify the status of the peace keeping operation without too much expectation; finally, support the rational reformation of the peace keeping operation.

    在尊重国家主权的基础上 ,维和行动形成了同意、中立、自卫等基本原则。实践中 ,维和行动在这些基本原则的指导下 ,为解决国际争端作出了巨大贡献 ,其本身也不断得到丰富。然而由于国际形势的复杂性 ,加之维和行动本身的缺陷 ,使之在发展过程中出现了蜕变现象。为了促进维和行动的健康发展 ,第一 ,在处理国家冲突中 ,仍要强调对国家主权原则的严格遵守 ;第二 ,各国共同协商 ,完善维和行动的法治化 ;第三 ,明确维和行动所处的地位 ,不能对之期望过高 ;第四 ,应支持维和行动的合理变革

    The legalization of the executive in our country essentially r efers to the state or degree of the civilization which the executive authority c an achieve by acting in accordance with the laws in the processes of their admin istration .To join the WTO will not only speed up China's internationalization o f market economy but make the legalization of its executive ways an imminent tas k as well.For this purpose ,we must change our concept of executive,construct a rational platform of legalized executive;perferct...

    The legalization of the executive in our country essentially r efers to the state or degree of the civilization which the executive authority c an achieve by acting in accordance with the laws in the processes of their admin istration .To join the WTO will not only speed up China's internationalization o f market economy but make the legalization of its executive ways an imminent tas k as well.For this purpose ,we must change our concept of executive,construct a rational platform of legalized executive;perferct the law systems to provide a i nstitutional guarantee;regulize the executive procedures and thus give the legal ized executive a sense of "sunlight".

    行政法治化是行使行政权的行政主体在行政方式上达到遵行法律权威的一种文明状态或程度。入世是市场经济迈向国际化的选择 ,也使行政法治化的任务更加紧迫。为此 ,必须改变行政观念 ,构筑法治行政的理性平台 ;完善法律体系 ,为法治行政提供制度保障 ;规范行政程序 ,予法治行政以“阳光”内涵

    It's very proper and objective that running the country by virtue is made after running the country by law established.A Society ran by law must be one ran by virtue.Ruling by law needs to be sustained by the practice of virtue.It's not correct to say which should be more emphasized.Only combining the rule by law with tle rule of virtue is the most general plan to run our country.

    我国在确立依法治国后又提出以德治国 ,这是十分正确和客观的。因为 ,一个法治化的社会必须是有道德的社会 ,法治需要道德的支持。任何片面强调“法律万能”或“道德万能”的观点都是错误的 ,将“德治”与“法治”融为一体综合为治才是适合我国的最佳治国方略


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