[Abstract]:The history of the development of human society is actually a history of human relations. From the time of the birth of human society, there was a close relationship and interaction between the human society and the natural environment. This connection and interaction accompanied the development and progress of human civilization, and its scope and depth were expanding, and the change and influence produced by the human society. It has brought all kinds of negative and even harm to the existence and development of modern human beings. Therefore, it is an inevitable choice for modern mankind to coordinate the relationship of human beings and seek harmony, mutual benefit and co evolution between human society and the natural environment, the road of sustainable development and the construction of a harmonious society.
In this paper, Guangxi is selected as the research object, taking the relationship between population and cultivated land as the breakthrough point, analyzing the changing relationship between the population and the cultivated land in Guangxi, discussing the situation, pattern and evaluation of the relationship between human and land in Guangxi, analyzing the causes of the changes in the relationship between people and land in Guangxi and the influence on the economic and social environment of Guangxi, thus further exploring the optimization and coordination of human land. The Countermeasures of relations provide a reference for building a harmonious society in Guangxi.
This article is divided into six parts:
The first part introduces the background of the research, the significance and the literature review at home and abroad. On the whole, the literature review at home and abroad is mainly from the development process of the thought of human land relations, summarizes and summarizes the related people's ideas, and gives a brief review, and puts forward the research ideas and methods of this paper.
The second part is the related concept and theoretical basis. First, the main views on the connotation of human land relationship at home and abroad are summarized, and the definition of the connotation of human land relationship is put forward, and the related concepts are further explained. In the theoretical basis, it mainly introduces the theory of human and land related to the population and land.
The third part is the relationship between people and land in Guangxi: situation, pattern and evaluation analysis. It analyzes the process of changing the relationship between modern people and land in Guangxi, sums up the relationship between human and land in the present stage of Guangxi District, forecasts the development of the relationship between human and land in the future of Guangxi, and combines the economic and social reality to the relationship of man and land. A brief comment was made.
The fourth part analyses the causes of the changes in the relationship between man and land in Guangxi and its influence on the economic and social environment. It analyzes the reasons for the change from two aspects of the population and the land, and also analyzes its influence on the economic and social environment.
In the fifth part, based on the study of the change of the relationship between man and land in Guangxi, from the angle of optimizing and coordinating the relationship between man and land, the author puts forward the countermeasures to optimize the relationship between man and land in Guangxi.
The sixth part is the conclusion. It points out the innovations and shortcomings of this paper, and explains several points in the study.
Guangxi has a large proportion of agricultural population, and the rural economy occupies a very important position in the process of regional social and economic development. However, for a long time, due to the intensification of human and land contradictions, the existing arable land resources can not fully meet the needs of population growth. This imbalance will lead to the slow development of the rural economy. This article is based on the relationship of modern people and land in Guangxi, The relationship between human land and land in the last 61 years from 1950 to 2010 is studied, the process of population and cultivated land change is clarified, and the human land relationship of 14 administrative units in Guangxi District in 2009 is further analyzed. On this basis, the development trend of the future human land relationship in Guangxi is pretested. It is concluded that the ratio of people to land in Guangxi in 2030 is 1.15, that is, per capita. The area of cultivated land is 1.15 mu / man. If the population growth rate is kept within the range of forecast and the cultivated land keeps growing, the ratio of this man land is not too low, which can ease the contradiction between people and land for a certain period. Only from the population and the cultivated land itself, it can not completely eliminate the spear shield. On this basis, the new rural area is the opportunity to build the new countryside. It puts forward the harmonious development of man land relationship, and clarifies the importance of the optimization of the relationship between man and land in Guangxi.
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