发布时间:2018-08-30 09:20
【摘要】:当代中国性别和谐是社会主义和谐社会的题中要义。本文立足于当代中国实际,围绕“性别和谐”的主题从以下几个方面展开研究: 论文由导论、正文、结语三个部分组成。其中正文分为五章。 导论部分首先对当代中国性别和谐及相关概念进行了针对性的界定,提出了当代中国性别和谐是指在社会主义制度条件下的性别间的相互依存、相互尊重、相互合作、优势互补、共同发展的新型性别关系,是一种理想的可持续发展的性别相处的形式,这种形式是迄今为止最科学、最进步的性别和谐形式。在整理和分析国内外学者研究中国性别和谐成果的基础上,提出了本文的研究思路、研究方法及研究意义。 第一章进行了性别和谐的理论溯源。围绕马克思主义经典作家的性别和谐思想、中外传统文化中的性别和谐思想以及西方女性主义的“同异”思维等方面展开研究。在这一章的第一部分对马克思《1844经济学哲学手稿》进行了“人学”、“劳动”、“历史”三个维度的解读,揭示出性别和谐的质的规定,即性别和谐是建立在人之为人的基础上,是人的感觉的发展,是建立在由劳动所诞生的人类历史和自然历史基础上的,实现实质性的性别和谐必须建立在共产主义的历史运动之中,也只有在共产主义的历史运动所创造的时代条件下才能逐步变成现实。其次从“生产”、“阶级”、“爱情”、“历史”四个视野对恩格斯的《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》进行解读。它使我们认识到私有制是随着社会生产而产生的,私有制的产生是“两性冲突”的开始,阶级对立是“两性冲突”的深刻根源,在阶级社会里存在的是“形式和谐”,要实现真正意义上的性别和谐需要两个“物质”条件:一是性别平等,二是消灭私有制。同时还对列宁、斯大林将马克思、恩格斯的性别和谐思想与俄国的社会主义革命和建设实践相结合,提出社会主义制度是实现性别和谐的前提条件、倡导两性从法律上的平等走向事实上的平等、强调性别和谐的实现对社会主义民主的促进作用等理论。中国化马克思主义者在革命和建设中继承和发展了马列主义的性别和谐思想,主要提出了反对不平等、不和谐的封建婚姻制度、分析了中国妇女受压迫的根源是“四权”、指明了阶级解放和社会发展是实现性别和谐的基本途径、肯定了女性在中国革命和社会主义建设中的“半边天”的作用,把男女平等提到基本国策的高度等思想。第二部分探析了中国和西方传统文化中的性别和谐闪点,主要是从中国传统文化中“阴阳和合”思想中来追寻性别和谐的渊源,同时也从古希腊、文艺复兴到思想启蒙运动中寻求性别和谐的理论支撑。第三部分在梳理女性主义的发展过程中,认识到女性主义在追求女性主体的解放和独立中,反对社会固有的偏见与歧视中,释放了许多当代社会所提倡的性别和谐的理念,如“差异而又平等的公民观、强调统一性而又凸现个体存在的生态观”等理念。这些理论是本文的理论基础和渊源。 第二章对中国性别和谐的形成和发展进行了历史考察,提出了中国性别和谐发展的三个阶段是男女相互依存阶段、男女相互觉醒阶段以及男女相互解放阶段。综观人类社会发展历程,由于生产力发展水平、婚姻制度、人类认知水平等各种因素的影响,不同历史时期男人和女人之间的关系是不一样的,从狩猎社会的男女自然平等到农业社会的男女地位失衡,再到工业社会的男女平等。随着信息社会的到来,男人和女人无论是在学习工作还是在家庭生活中都将求同存异、协调发展。而且,不论哪个时期,男人和女人都能和谐相处。但是,这种和谐只是形式上的和谐,并不是质的和谐,不是真正意义上的和谐。中国社会性别关系的发展与世界其他国家相比,有其共性,但更有中国特色。认识和把握其发展历程有助于我们对当前中国性别和谐的基本概况和发展走势有个正确的认识,中国社会主义性别和谐应是整体和谐,不是局部和谐,不是部分人的事,而应是全体社会成员的责任,社会主义性别和谐是一个长期而又艰巨的任务 第三章从当代中国性别和谐的现实背景与必然的视角探讨了当代中国性别和谐的机遇与挑战。联合国从成立起就坚持不懈的促进性别和谐,主要体现在一是成立妇女发展组织;二是召开世界妇女大会;三是制定一系列关于妇女问题和性别平等的国际公约。各国政府致力性别和谐的发展,积极采取各种措施和政策,矫正性别偏见,保障性别平等,促进性别和谐。中国政府高度重视性别和谐建设。中国共产党始终把实现性别和谐作为孜孜以求的奋斗目标,积极支持女性广泛参与国家和社会政治事务,致力于将性别和谐建设纳入整个社会发展战略的主流,使女性的经济权利、政治权利、受教育权利、婚姻家庭权益进一步得到保证。信息新技术为促进性别和谐提供了新的机遇,首先,信息新技术推进性别民主和平等的进程。其次,信息新技术为女性发展带来了许多新的机遇。再次,信息技术的发展促进了性别双方的自我发展。最后,信息技术的发展促进了性别双方的相互交流、合作。当男女双双获得空前发展机遇时,也面临着经济领域中性别歧视、政治领域中女性难以进入政治主流、社会领域中人口出生性别比严重失调等许多新的问题、新的情况的挑战。性别和谐是构建和谐社会的必然要求,民主法治要求性别和谐,公平正义要求性别和谐,诚信友爱要求性别和谐,充满活力要求性别和谐,安定有序要求性别和谐,人与自然和谐相处要求性别和谐。 第四章是关于当代中国性别和谐的困惑与认识。当今时代,我国正处于社会转型时期,人们的思想比较活跃,对各种问题、利益、矛盾和诉求的认识和看法比较丰富。在对待性别和谐的问题方面,更是如此。文章对人们在性别平等、性别分工、性别角色等方面存在的困惑进行了解析,关于历史存在的性别和谐的误区,我们不仅要走出去还要力求不要再次陷入其中,使性别关系真正朝着和谐的状态发展。因此我们必须反思性别和谐中所包括的诸多概念,让一直作为性别关系和谐发展的如男女平等、妇女解放、妇女“半边天”等这样的原则理念更富有时代性,更具科学性,从而在实践上指导社会主义性别和谐的建设。 第五章对当代中国性别和谐建设展开了理论和实践的思考。当代中国性别和谐必须建立在对性别科学认知的基础之上,必须突出人的社会性,必须体现男女安定有序,必须以实现人类自由自觉发展状态为根本目的。当前,由于诸种因素的影响,性别歧视在经济、政治、思想文化和社会生活领域均不同程度的存在,男女不平等的现象依然比较突出,严重影响男女共同协调发展。我们必须从社会主义初级阶段的实际出发,树立科学性别观,营造良好的性别环境,将社会性别主流化,保障性别平等。并且,尽最大努力坚持公平正义,促进性别公正,实现性别和谐。 性别和谐是人类永恒的话题,也是人类不断追求的目标。在文章结束时对未来性别和谐进行了展望,未来男女两性关系如车之两轮、鸟之两翼,共同推动人类社会发展。
[Abstract]:Gender harmony in contemporary China is the main theme of a harmonious socialist society. Based on the reality of contemporary China, this paper focuses on the theme of "gender harmony" from the following aspects:
The thesis consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The text is divided into five chapters.
The first part of the introduction defines the contemporary China's gender harmony and related concepts, and puts forward that contemporary China's gender harmony refers to a new type of gender relationship under the conditions of socialist system, which is interdependent, mutual respect, mutual cooperation, complementary advantages and common development. It is an ideal sustainable development. This form is the most scientific and progressive form of gender harmony so far. On the basis of sorting out and analyzing the achievements of domestic and foreign scholars on gender harmony in China, this paper puts forward the research ideas, research methods and research significance of this paper.
The first chapter traces the theory of gender harmony. It studies the thought of gender harmony of Marxist classical writers, the thought of gender harmony in Chinese and foreign traditional culture, and the thought of "similarities and differences" of Western feminism. The interpretation of the three dimensions of "labor" and "history" reveals the qualitative stipulation of gender harmony, that is, gender harmony is based on human being, the development of human feeling, the foundation of human history and natural history born of labor, and the realization of substantive gender harmony must be based on the Communist calendar. In the historical movement, it is only under the conditions created by the historical movement of communism that it can gradually become a reality. Secondly, from the four perspectives of "production", "class", "love" and "history", this paper interprets Engels'The Origin of Family, Private Ownership and the State. It makes us realize that private ownership comes with social production. The emergence of private ownership is the beginning of "gender conflict". Class antagonism is the deep root of "gender conflict". In class society there exists "formal harmony". To achieve genuine gender harmony, two "material" conditions are needed: one is gender equality, the other is to eliminate private ownership. Combining Marx and Engels'thought of gender harmony with Russia's socialist revolution and construction practice, this paper proposes that socialist system is the prerequisite for achieving gender harmony, advocates that both sexes move from legal equality to de facto equality, and emphasizes the promotion of socialist democracy by the realization of gender harmony. Marxists inherited and developed Marxist-Leninist thought of gender harmony in revolution and construction, mainly put forward the feudal marriage system against inequality and disharmony, analyzed the root of Chinese women's oppression is "four powers", pointed out that class liberation and social development are the basic ways to achieve gender harmony, and affirmed that women in The role of "half the sky" in the Chinese revolution and socialist construction raises equality between men and women to the height of the basic state policy. The second part explores the flash point of gender harmony in Chinese and Western traditional cultures, mainly from the "harmony between yin and yang" in Chinese traditional culture to trace the origin of gender harmony, but also from ancient Greece. La, the Renaissance and the Enlightenment Movement sought the theoretical support of gender harmony. In the third part, in the process of combing the development of feminism, it is recognized that feminism has released many ideas of gender harmony advocated by contemporary society in the pursuit of the liberation and independence of the female subject and in the opposition to social prejudice and discrimination. These theories are the theoretical basis and origin of this paper.
Chapter Two makes a historical investigation of the formation and development of gender harmony in China, and points out that the three stages of gender harmony in China are the stage of interdependence between men and women, the stage of mutual awakening between men and women, and the stage of mutual emancipation between men and women. The relationship between men and women in different historical periods is different, from the natural equality of men and women in hunting society to the imbalance of men and women in agricultural society to the equality of men and women in industrial society. However, this kind of harmony is only a formal harmony, not a qualitative harmony, not a real harmony. Compared with other countries in the world, the development of gender relations in China has its own common characteristics, but more Chinese characteristics. It is helpful for us to have a correct understanding of the basic situation and development trend of the current gender harmony in China. The socialist gender harmony in China should be the overall harmony, not the partial harmony, not the affairs of some people, but the responsibility of all members of society. The socialist gender harmony is a long-term and arduous task.
The third chapter discusses the opportunities and challenges of gender harmony in contemporary China from the realistic background and inevitable perspective. The Chinese government attaches great importance to the construction of gender harmony. The Communist Party of China has always regarded the realization of gender harmony as the goal of its diligent struggle and actively supported women. Widely participate in national and social political affairs, and strive to bring gender harmony into the mainstream of the whole social development strategy, so that women's economic rights, political rights, the right to education, marriage and family rights and interests are further guaranteed. Secondly, the development of information technology has brought about many new opportunities for women's development. Thirdly, the development of information technology has promoted the self-development of both sexes. Finally, the development of information technology has promoted the mutual exchange and cooperation between the two sexes. Gender harmony is the inevitable requirement of building a harmonious society, democracy and the rule of law require gender harmony, fairness and justice require gender harmony, honesty and friendship require gender harmony, full of life. Strength requires gender harmony, stability and order requires gender harmony, and harmony between man and nature requires gender harmony.
The fourth chapter is about the perplexity and understanding of gender harmony in contemporary China.At present, China is in a period of social transformation, people's thinking is more active, and their understanding and views on various issues, interests, contradictions and demands are more abundant.This is especially true in dealing with gender harmony. We should not only go out, but also try not to fall into it again, so as to make the gender relationship develop towards harmony. Therefore, we must reflect on many concepts included in gender harmony, so as to keep it as gender relations and relations. The harmonious development of such principles as equality between men and women, women's liberation, women's "half the sky" and so on is more epochal and scientific, thus guiding the construction of socialist gender harmony in practice.
Chapter Five is a theoretical and practical reflection on the construction of gender harmony in contemporary China.The contemporary China's gender harmony must be based on the scientific understanding of gender,must highlight the sociality of human beings,must reflect the stability and order of men and women,must realize the free and conscious development of human beings as the fundamental purpose.At present,due to various factors. The impact of gender discrimination in the economic, political, ideological and cultural and social life areas exist in varying degrees, the phenomenon of gender inequality is still prominent, seriously affecting the coordinated development of men and women. Mainstreaming ensures gender equality, and strives to uphold fairness and justice, promote gender justice and achieve gender harmony.
Gender harmony is an eternal topic of human beings and a goal that human beings are constantly pursuing. At the end of this article, the author looks forward to the future of gender harmony. The future relationship between men and women will be like two wheels of a car and two wings of a bird, jointly promoting the development of human society.
[Abstract]:Gender harmony in contemporary China is the main theme of a harmonious socialist society. Based on the reality of contemporary China, this paper focuses on the theme of "gender harmony" from the following aspects:
The thesis consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The text is divided into five chapters.
The first part of the introduction defines the contemporary China's gender harmony and related concepts, and puts forward that contemporary China's gender harmony refers to a new type of gender relationship under the conditions of socialist system, which is interdependent, mutual respect, mutual cooperation, complementary advantages and common development. It is an ideal sustainable development. This form is the most scientific and progressive form of gender harmony so far. On the basis of sorting out and analyzing the achievements of domestic and foreign scholars on gender harmony in China, this paper puts forward the research ideas, research methods and research significance of this paper.
The first chapter traces the theory of gender harmony. It studies the thought of gender harmony of Marxist classical writers, the thought of gender harmony in Chinese and foreign traditional culture, and the thought of "similarities and differences" of Western feminism. The interpretation of the three dimensions of "labor" and "history" reveals the qualitative stipulation of gender harmony, that is, gender harmony is based on human being, the development of human feeling, the foundation of human history and natural history born of labor, and the realization of substantive gender harmony must be based on the Communist calendar. In the historical movement, it is only under the conditions created by the historical movement of communism that it can gradually become a reality. Secondly, from the four perspectives of "production", "class", "love" and "history", this paper interprets Engels'The Origin of Family, Private Ownership and the State. It makes us realize that private ownership comes with social production. The emergence of private ownership is the beginning of "gender conflict". Class antagonism is the deep root of "gender conflict". In class society there exists "formal harmony". To achieve genuine gender harmony, two "material" conditions are needed: one is gender equality, the other is to eliminate private ownership. Combining Marx and Engels'thought of gender harmony with Russia's socialist revolution and construction practice, this paper proposes that socialist system is the prerequisite for achieving gender harmony, advocates that both sexes move from legal equality to de facto equality, and emphasizes the promotion of socialist democracy by the realization of gender harmony. Marxists inherited and developed Marxist-Leninist thought of gender harmony in revolution and construction, mainly put forward the feudal marriage system against inequality and disharmony, analyzed the root of Chinese women's oppression is "four powers", pointed out that class liberation and social development are the basic ways to achieve gender harmony, and affirmed that women in The role of "half the sky" in the Chinese revolution and socialist construction raises equality between men and women to the height of the basic state policy. The second part explores the flash point of gender harmony in Chinese and Western traditional cultures, mainly from the "harmony between yin and yang" in Chinese traditional culture to trace the origin of gender harmony, but also from ancient Greece. La, the Renaissance and the Enlightenment Movement sought the theoretical support of gender harmony. In the third part, in the process of combing the development of feminism, it is recognized that feminism has released many ideas of gender harmony advocated by contemporary society in the pursuit of the liberation and independence of the female subject and in the opposition to social prejudice and discrimination. These theories are the theoretical basis and origin of this paper.
Chapter Two makes a historical investigation of the formation and development of gender harmony in China, and points out that the three stages of gender harmony in China are the stage of interdependence between men and women, the stage of mutual awakening between men and women, and the stage of mutual emancipation between men and women. The relationship between men and women in different historical periods is different, from the natural equality of men and women in hunting society to the imbalance of men and women in agricultural society to the equality of men and women in industrial society. However, this kind of harmony is only a formal harmony, not a qualitative harmony, not a real harmony. Compared with other countries in the world, the development of gender relations in China has its own common characteristics, but more Chinese characteristics. It is helpful for us to have a correct understanding of the basic situation and development trend of the current gender harmony in China. The socialist gender harmony in China should be the overall harmony, not the partial harmony, not the affairs of some people, but the responsibility of all members of society. The socialist gender harmony is a long-term and arduous task.
The third chapter discusses the opportunities and challenges of gender harmony in contemporary China from the realistic background and inevitable perspective. The Chinese government attaches great importance to the construction of gender harmony. The Communist Party of China has always regarded the realization of gender harmony as the goal of its diligent struggle and actively supported women. Widely participate in national and social political affairs, and strive to bring gender harmony into the mainstream of the whole social development strategy, so that women's economic rights, political rights, the right to education, marriage and family rights and interests are further guaranteed. Secondly, the development of information technology has brought about many new opportunities for women's development. Thirdly, the development of information technology has promoted the self-development of both sexes. Finally, the development of information technology has promoted the mutual exchange and cooperation between the two sexes. Gender harmony is the inevitable requirement of building a harmonious society, democracy and the rule of law require gender harmony, fairness and justice require gender harmony, honesty and friendship require gender harmony, full of life. Strength requires gender harmony, stability and order requires gender harmony, and harmony between man and nature requires gender harmony.
The fourth chapter is about the perplexity and understanding of gender harmony in contemporary China.At present, China is in a period of social transformation, people's thinking is more active, and their understanding and views on various issues, interests, contradictions and demands are more abundant.This is especially true in dealing with gender harmony. We should not only go out, but also try not to fall into it again, so as to make the gender relationship develop towards harmony. Therefore, we must reflect on many concepts included in gender harmony, so as to keep it as gender relations and relations. The harmonious development of such principles as equality between men and women, women's liberation, women's "half the sky" and so on is more epochal and scientific, thus guiding the construction of socialist gender harmony in practice.
Chapter Five is a theoretical and practical reflection on the construction of gender harmony in contemporary China.The contemporary China's gender harmony must be based on the scientific understanding of gender,must highlight the sociality of human beings,must reflect the stability and order of men and women,must realize the free and conscious development of human beings as the fundamental purpose.At present,due to various factors. The impact of gender discrimination in the economic, political, ideological and cultural and social life areas exist in varying degrees, the phenomenon of gender inequality is still prominent, seriously affecting the coordinated development of men and women. Mainstreaming ensures gender equality, and strives to uphold fairness and justice, promote gender justice and achieve gender harmony.
Gender harmony is an eternal topic of human beings and a goal that human beings are constantly pursuing. At the end of this article, the author looks forward to the future of gender harmony. The future relationship between men and women will be like two wheels of a car and two wings of a bird, jointly promoting the development of human society.
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