[Abstract]:At present, the level of reproductive health of Chinese population is not very developed. Every year, nearly 1.2 million newborns have birth defects, congenital disability, serious harm to the development and health of children, and bring great burden and pain to the country, society and family. Birth defects seriously affect the quality of the birth population. The quality of the birth population determines and affects the overall quality of the population. Improving the quality of the birth population is as important as controlling the number of the population. Family planning is the basic national policy to achieve an important goal, but also to achieve China's strategic development of the basic guarantee. At present, at a time of stable low fertility, we should shift our research focus from how to control the number of people to how to improve the quality of the population, and improving the quality of the birth population is the basis for improving the quality of the population. The quality of the birth population will have a long-term impact on the quality of the population, so we should pay special attention to the improvement of the quality of the birth population. To improve the quality of the birth population, the most important step is to meet the needs of women of childbearing age during pregnancy, including medical resources, health care, education and so on. The incidence of birth defects in Beijing has nearly doubled in the past decade. This paper describes the number of women of childbearing age in Beijing from 2000 to 2010, the death of infants, newborns and pregnant women in Beijing from 2006 to 2010, and the incidence of birth defects in some districts of Beijing from 1997 to 2009. This paper describes the status of hospitals with maternity care and midwifery qualification in each district and county of Beijing in 2010. On the basis of this, qualitative and quantitative methods were adopted to study the need of pregnant women in all districts and counties of Beijing. The demand included the macroscopic demand for the qualified hospital for midwifery and the microscopic demand for health care and education during pregnancy. By using Lorenz curve, Gini coefficient and market concentration index, the author compared and studied whether the hospitals with midwifery qualification met the basic needs of women of childbearing age in each district of Beijing. Based on the investigation of 9 hospitals in Beijing, the demands of pregnant women with different pregnancy and household registration in Beijing during pregnancy were studied by means of questionnaire survey. Research shows that The indexes of the allocation of qualified midwifery hospitals in Beijing corresponding to the equal degree of the number of women of childbearing age in districts and counties are as follows: the number of hospitals with midwifery qualifications is 0.244, the number of maternity beds is 0.406, the number of obstetrics practitioners is 0.418, and the number of registered obstetric nurses is 0.562. See the number of beds in hospitals with midwifery qualifications in all districts and counties of Beijing, The number of practising physicians and registered nurses is not equal to the corresponding number of women of childbearing age. The market concentration index HH=1040.56, indicates that hospitals with midwifery qualification in Beijing have strong market concentration in some districts and counties. For example, in Dongcheng District, pregnant women will go to hospitals in these districts and counties for prenatal examination or production. Finally, the paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to improve the demand during pregnancy. Based on the relevant policies of pregnant health care in developed countries and the demand of maternity hospitals and knowledge of pregnancy care for women of childbearing age in Beijing, the paper puts forward some policy suggestions which are more suitable for the development of health care during pregnancy in China.
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