[Abstract]:This paper analyzes the types and fertility status of couples of childbearing age in China in accordance with the data of the 2014 National sample Survey of population change and the way of hierarchical progression. The target population and age composition of the policy of single two-child policy and the comprehensive two-child policy are obtained. Based on the data of childbearing will by type and age, the influence of the policy on the population born in China in recent years is analyzed. The effect of the two-child policy on the population structure of China in recent years, such as birth population and future working age population. The article holds that the single two-child policy has a limited impact on the increase in the number of births. After the implementation of the comprehensive two-child policy, the number of years with a larger number of births is about the same as that in the 1980s and 1990s, when the number of births was relatively small. It is expected that the number of births will gradually decrease and stabilize; This policy can play a positive role in optimizing the age structure of the population and promoting the balance of the sex ratio of the birth population in the future.
【作者单位】: 国家统计局人口和就业统计司专项调查处;国家统计局人口和就业统计司;
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