[Abstract]:Inner Mongolia is an autonomous region with the Mongolian nationality as the main body and the Han nationality as the majority, and there are great differences between the natural and social economy and the interior. Therefore, although the population development and the country has its commonality, but at the same time has its own uniqueness. The development and characteristics of the population of Inner Mongolia are closely related to the natural geography, nationality and economic characteristics of the region, and are also closely related to the development of the population of Inner Mongolia and the economy of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region. The development of culture and the policy of regional national autonomy are closely related. The increase of national population is the basis of national development, and the improvement of national population quality is the basic symbol of national development. Before the establishment of Inner Mongolia Autonomous region, the Mongolian population developed slowly. After the founding of New China, it opened a new chapter of Mongolian national development. Inner Mongolia carried out the policy of ethnic regional autonomy, thus realizing the equality of nationalities, moving towards the road of national unity and common prosperity, and also promoting the rapid growth of Mongolian national population. Since the 1980s, China's population has grown rapidly, which has brought important influence to the national economy and social development, and the government has put forward the policy of "controlling the population quantity and improving the population quality". At this time, the population of ethnic minorities in our country has also developed rapidly. Although the growth rate of Mongolian ethnic population is relatively stable, the contradiction between population growth and environmental capacity in Mongolian settlements is also highlighted. In order to realize the prosperity and development of the Mongolian nation, and to meet the material and cultural needs of the people of Inner Mongolia, this paper proceeds from the history and present situation of the development of the Mongolian population in Inner Mongolia. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the quality of Mongolian population, and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures and suggestions: it is the objective requirement of Mongolian national development to appropriately control the population quantity and improve the population quality. In order to realize the ideal model of population development and promote the all-round development of the Mongolian nation, we must carry out family planning, optimize the national physical quality, develop national education and raise the cultural level of the whole nation. We will carry forward the fine traditional culture of the nation and raise the ethical standards of the nation.
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