[Abstract]:The article expounds the development course of the current birth laws and regulations in Hebei Province, the present situation of population and family planning administration in Hebei Province, the fertility level of women of childbearing age, the family situation of family planning, the regional distribution of population, This paper analyzes the necessity of population and family planning administration, analyzes the theoretical basis of population and family planning administration, and probes into the administrative law to solve the population problem as a whole. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the management of population and family planning in Hebei Province and criticizes the wrong trend of thought in the administration of population and family planning. This paper mainly analyzes the outstanding problems existing in the process of population and family planning management in Hebei Province, such as the aging of population, the high sex ratio of birth population, the decline of fertility rate in line with current policy, and the weakening of administrative management of population and family planning at the grass-roots level, etc. Under the guidance of the theory of administrative law, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the revision of the current regulations on population and Family Planning in Hebei Province from the administrative management point of view. According to the principle of administrative incentive, this paper puts forward to perfect the system of reward and support, synthetically solves the problem of managing the sex ratio of birth population from the angle of administration and management, changes the statistical calibre in the internal management of administrative system, and adjusts the policy of birth in a proper and timely manner. In setting birth control awards at the same time severely punish multiple births. The article also analyzes the necessity and extent of the adjustment of the current birth laws and regulations, and how to intervene appropriately by administrative means in order to influence people's fertility intention and promote the coordinated and sustainable development of society and economy.
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