[Abstract]:The impact of family economic status on Chinese women's violation of the policy-giving behavior was studied using the national survey data of 1% of the population in 2005. Taking into account the important effect of social situation on individual behavior, this study constructs a multi-layer model to analyze the effect of family income on the behavior of the child in violation of the policy. The influence of family economic factors on the individual's reproductive behavior will vary widely as the provincial social environment is different. In areas where women have a high proportion of employment in the agricultural sector, the income is negatively affected; women have a positive impact on income in areas where the employment ratio in the agricultural sector is low. This indicates that the mechanism of the social environment's impact on the individual's behavior is complex. The results of the study have some implications for the adjustment of fertility policy.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心;俄亥俄州立大学社会学系;
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