[Abstract]:The development of urbanization and globalization, the increasingly frequent population flow, the marketization process of the real estate industry, and so on, have brought about the social stratification of the population. This stratification is not only manifested in the differentiation of living space, but also in the social differences in many aspects, such as occupation, sharing of public resources, and has a profound impact on social equity, economic efficiency, and so on. The differentiation of social spatial structure has become a prominent problem in the economic transition of our country, and the research on it is of great practical significance and theoretical value. Taking Wuhan city circle as an example, this paper makes use of the data of the fifth and sixth census and the statistical yearbook data of the past years by using the computer statistical analysis technology of the combination of factor ecological analysis and spatial analysis, This paper studies the change of social spatial structure in urban circle, and further finds out which factors influence the differentiation of social structure and the degree of influence. The research finds that: from the category of population differentiation, Wuhan city circle has produced social spatial differentiation, according to the analysis of six popular data can be divided into three categories of social areas. On the other hand, according to the analysis of the five census data, it can be further divided into five types of social areas from the perspective of the degree of population differentiation, although the social spatial differentiation of Wuhan urban circle is not serious, but there are obvious hierarchical structural characteristics, of which Wuhan is the first class, Yellowstone, Ezhou 2 cities for the second level, the rest for the third level. The spatial differentiation of occupational composition and population migration is the greatest among the influencing factors.
【作者单位】: 中南财经政法大学公共管理学院;湖北省人口与发展研究中心;
【基金】:教育部人文社科青年项目“信息技术使用对新生代农民工社会资本重构的影响研究”(IIYJC840025) 2010年度部属高校(中南财经政法大学)基本科研业务项目“城市贫困区位化与社区重建”
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