西部山区乡村聚落空间演进研究的主要进展.pdf 6页
人文地理 2011 年第5 期总第121 期
文章编号: ( ) 1003-2398 2011 05-0009-06 西部山区乡村聚落空间演进研究的主要进展 1,2 2,3 2,3 王传胜 孙贵艳 朱珊珊 , , 1.中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室 北京 100101 ( , ; 2. 中国科学院研究生院 北京 100049 3. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 北京 100101 , ; , ) THE MAJOR RESEARCH PROGRESS ON SPATIAL EVOLUTION OF RURAL SETTLEMENTS IN MOUNTAINOUS AREAS OF WESTERN CHINA WANG Chuan-sheng1,2, SUN Gui-yan2,3, ZHU Shan-shan2,3 1. Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Develop ment Modeling, CAS, Beij ing 100101, China; 2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beij ing 100049, China; 3. Institute of Geograp hical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beij ing 100101, China Abstract: Spatial evolution of rural settlements has been a long-term research topic for all scholars. For poor conditions, most of mountain areas of western china face with the great population pressure, in addition, the ecological problem and the impoverished problem mingle with each other over a long period, which not only has received the government attention, but also get the attention of ecological protection organizations and so- cial development organizations in regional level and global level. This paper mainly summarized the related research of spatial distribution law, spatial evolution characteristics and their causes of rural settlements since the 20th century. The development and introduction of human geography and rural geography in western countries gave birth to the rural settlement geography in mountain areas of western china. The birth of "new geography" and widespread utilization of measurement revolution and remote sensing technique promoted the general theory frame establishment and deepening spatial evolution pattern and mechanism research. During the rapid developing process of ru