本文选题:京杭大运河 + 江南运河 ; 参考:《北京大学》2007年博士论文
【摘要】: 本论文以景观设计学、遗产保护学、城市规划学、建筑学等学科理论为基础,对京杭大运河沿线近现代工业发达的江南段运河(江南运河)工业遗产廊道构建相关问题进行了研究,以尝试探讨对区域工业遗产进行系统筛选、认定和保护利用的系统性理论与方法。 首先对运河工业景观和运河工业遗产的概念进行界定,认为运河工业景观是由不同历史时期沿运工业及其相关活动影响所形成的文化景观类型之一。运河工业景观应该是与运河线路具有某种联系的相关要素的集合,是具有共同历史主题,见证沿运工业发展历程的有机整体。具体可以从利用运河运输或作为水源(功能相关)、空间位置毗邻运河(空间相关)以及与运河工业史中重要的人或事相关(历史相关)三个方面来理解工业景观要素与运河之间的关系。运河工业遗产是运河工业景观中有价值的部分,同样可以通过上述三种关系进行界定。 在对工业遗产保护和遗产廊道相关理论进行系统总结之后,提出了运河工业遗产廊道研究的层次和基本框架。具体的讲,工业遗产廊道构建是一个多层次的控制系统,各层次之间应该相互协调和衔接,具体可以分工业遗产区域、城镇、历史工业聚集区、工业企业及相关单位、建构筑物五个层次,按照“主题确定、资源调查与登录、分析与评价、格局构建、实施策略”的基本流程展开研究。 在上述概念界定和理论框架基础上,对江南运河工业遗产展开实证研究。 首先从江南运河沿线工业发展历史背景的分析表明,运河沿线是除上海这一中国近代工业的摇篮之外的又一核心,是中国近代民族工业的重要发源地;运河沿线是中国近代以面粉、棉纺织、缫丝、丝织为核心的民族轻纺工业的发祥地与分布中心,也是江南以及长江下游地区近代民族工业向外扩展的通道。沿运工业在中国工业发展历史上具有重要的历史意义,各个时期遗留下来的工业遗存具有重要的史料价值。 在对影响沿运工业产生与发展的因素和沿运历史工业景观复原进行分析的基础上,进一步探讨沿运工业景观的起源模式与分布格局,通过对历史工业景观与运河关系的分析,发现江南运河工业景观的形成与发展与运河有着重要关系(主要是功能相关),运河是沿运地区工业景观形成和发展的主导因素。从上述三种关系的分析出发制定具体遗产登录标准,对运河工业遗产进行排查登录。 分工业企业及相关单位、建构筑物两个层次对运河工业遗产进行类型和构成分析。在此基础上对运河工业遗产的构成情况进行统计分析,结果表明沿运工业遗产保存现状无论从类型、数量还是空间分布上来看,都具有典型性与代表性。进一步通过价值构成分析构建工业遗产价值评价体系,分别对建构筑物、企业及相关单位、工业聚集区、沿运主要城镇四个不同层次的运河工业遗产价值进行评价分级。 在上述分析与评价的基础上,本文最后探讨了运河工业遗产廊道的规划格局,分别从廊道整体保护格局、主要城镇保护格局、历史工业地段保护性开发、重要工业建构筑物的保护与再利用四个层次制定相应的保护与利用策略,并提出相应的实施对策。 本研究的创新性在于通过对沿运工业发展历史、沿运工业起源模式与分布格局的分析,发现了沿运工业景观的形成与发展与运河有着重要关系,并提出了通过构建工业遗产廊道的途径,实现对江南运河工业遗产的整体保护与利用的设想与策略。相关理论构架和研究方法对于区域工业遗产保护研究具有借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:Based on the theories of landscape design , heritage protection , city planning and architecture , the paper studies the construction of the industrial heritage corridor of the Jiangnan Canal ( Jiangnan Canal ) , which is developed in the modern industry along the Grand Canal , and tries to probe into the systematic theory and method of system screening , identification and protection of regional industrial heritage .
Firstly , the concept of canal industry landscape and canal industry heritage is defined . It is believed that the canal industry landscape is one of the cultural landscape types formed by different historical periods along the transportation industry and its related activities .
After systematically summing up the theories of industrial heritage protection and heritage corridor , this paper puts forward the hierarchy and basic framework of the research on the corridor industry heritage corridor . In the concrete , the construction of industrial heritage corridor is a multi - level control system , and the construction of industrial heritage corridor is divided into five levels : industrial heritage area , town , historical industrial gathering area , industrial enterprise and relevant unit and structure structure .
Based on the definition and theoretical framework of the above - mentioned concept , an empirical study of the industrial heritage of the Jiangnan Canal is carried out .
First , from the analysis of the historical background of industrial development along the Yangtze River , it is another core besides the cradle of the modern industry in Shanghai . It is the birthplace and distribution center of the national light - spinning industry , which is the core of China ' s modern national industry . Along the canal , there is an important historical significance in the history of China ' s industrial development , and the remaining industrial remains have important historical value .
Based on the analysis of the factors influencing the generation and development of the industry and the restoration of the industrial landscape along the transportation history , the paper further discusses the origin pattern and the distribution pattern of the industrial landscape along the transportation industry . Through the analysis of the historical industrial landscape and the canal relation , it is found that the formation and development of the industrial landscape of the Jiangnan Canal has an important relationship with the canal ( mainly function - related ) . The canal is the dominant factor in the formation and development of the industrial landscape along the transport area .
Based on the analysis of the types , quantity and spatial distribution of the industrial heritage of the canal , the results show that the status quo of the industrial heritage preservation is typical and representative .
On the basis of the above analysis and evaluation , this paper discusses the planning pattern of the canal industry heritage corridor , from the overall protection pattern of corridor , the protection pattern of main town , the protective development of historic industrial section , the protection and reuse of important industrial buildings and structures , and puts forward corresponding countermeasures .
The innovation of this research is to find out the important relationship between the formation and development of the industrial landscape along the transportation industry and the distribution pattern through the analysis of the development history of the transportation industry , the pattern of the industrial origin and the distribution pattern , and put forward the idea and strategy for the whole protection and utilization of the industrial heritage of the Yangtze River through the construction of the industrial heritage corridor . The relevant theoretical framework and the research method have reference significance to the research of regional industrial heritage protection .
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