Comparing with other authors in the modern literary world, Su Xuelin has lived a longest life. She has been writing for almost80years, and made great contributions in many fields including novel, prose, drama and literary review. Su has been influenced by the May4th New Culture Movement while burdened with traditional Confucian ideas, moreover, she was a convert to Roman Catholicism. Three different cultural philosophies mixed in herworks and formed a unique style.With refer to Su Xuelin’s life and works, this paper distributes the May4th Movementnew culture ideology, traditional Chinese culture ideology and Catholic ideology, whichinvolved in Su’s works, into three contradictions, and it analyses the specific features ofthese contradictions in her works to clarify the conflicts of her own ideology. Meanwhile,this paper analyses artistic characteristics of her literature by using narratological theoriesand aesthetic theories to define the artistic merits and status.
传统与宗教间的“五四人”—苏雪林 中文摘要4-5Abstract5绪论7-8一、苏雪林的生平、创作及对其研究8-15 1、苏雪林的生平8-10 2、苏雪林的文学创作10-12 3、苏雪林研究概况12-15二、传统与现代间的矛盾15-23 1、折中的婚恋观15-16 2、“忠”的思想16-18 3、“孝”的行为18-19 4、对预兆的迷信19-20 5、反对国民性批判20-23三、传统与宗教的契合23-27 1、中国文化传统与天主教思想的相同23-24 2、母爱与博爱24-25 3、天主教思想对儒家思想的补充25-27四、现代与宗教间的挣扎27-30 1、反复的皈依之路27-28 2、皈依后的痛苦28-30五、苏雪林文学创作的艺术特色30-39 1、唯美主义情调30-31 2、象征手法的运用31-34 3、细致入微的心理刻画34-35 4、多样的叙述方法35-39结语39-40注释40-42参考文献42-44攻读学位期间公开发表的论文44-45致谢45-46