[Abstract]:At the end of July, the provincial archives bureau and Phoenix Jiangsu jointly produced a feature film < Zhu Hong: with a pen as a gun, "Pioneer" of the War of Resistance against Japan won the second place in the special feature film selected by the Phoenix General Network for the month. The comment was "go in with the details." Restoring the story of a War of Resistance magazine conforms to the humanistic characteristics of Phoenix. Feature film reporter interviewed the deputy editor of Pioneer magazine, now 98-year-old Mr Zhu Hong. He told the story of the New fourth Army in Yancheng, after the Southern Anhui incident, and attached great importance to the propaganda work of newspapers and periodicals. He recalled that Huang Kecheng, then commander of the third Division of the New fourth Army, was in
【作者单位】: 法宣处;
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