[Abstract]:Those miraculously preserved archives, after natural disasters, changed dynasties, in the tunnel of time, sleep for a century. Today, through the consolidation and development of archivists, history has been awakened between the lines. In 2016, in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of Mr. Sun Zhongshan's birth, archivists in Nanjing, Beijing, Guangzhou, and other places, We will reopen the archives concerning Mr. Sun Zhongshan, which are deeply hidden on the dense shelves of the archives, and review, comb and develop them on a page-by-page basis. In the unique view and way of the archivists, we will express our solemn remembrance and deep memory of the great people of a generation. " The Sun Zhongshan file in the Heritage list "Sun Zhongshan file" is a broad subject concept, not limited to Mr. Sun Zhongshan's personal files, reflecting Mr. Sun Zhongshan's life, activities and related disciplines.
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