Based on Factor Analysis of Regional Social Security Comprehensive Assessment in China
LIU Pingping
Abstr:Social security is directly related to the quality of life of a country and social stability, it can not be divorced from economic development and living needs. Now many academic research on social security is from a view of theoretical perspective. However, if we can research from a view of quantitative perspective, undoubtedly, the perspective is more objective and scientific in understand social security of a country and areas. This paper selects 11 indicators which can affect the level of social security, use factor analysis to establish comprehensive evaluation model, analysis and evaluation the level of social security in quantitative. we can understand the level of social security of areas in China is uneven, .Social security is not only related to the economic factors, but also related to population structure, investment environment, industry structure and other factors. Governments should actively adjust the population structure and industrial structure, and improve investment environment, while increasing government investment in social security to narrow regional disparities in China.
Keyword::level of social security factor Analysis index
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