本文关键词: 农村留守老人 生产互助 小组工作方法 出处:《长春工业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the process of agriculture, a large outflow of many labor, rural ageing phenomenon and health. Their living problems emerged in the new generation of the society, the original life in the land for their elderly people in rural areas just with children in cities and was forced to stay in rural areas, and thus become so for the elderly. Only rely on the production of farming and how they will survive, become a major problem faced by the society. Modern agricultural mechanization farming methods to replace the original human and animal farming, which will greatly reduce labor demand for underdeveloped China far can not meet the current rural elderly pension problems. Most of the rural elderly both want to get help in the production of this concept, a new concept will produce production cooperation. In this paper, the use of small groups Methods to improve the rural elderly production cooperation ideas, to better face the change of life, to the new life as soon as possible to adapt to the change of production and mutual assistance in the past. The production of mutual assistance in four aspects, the first labour shortage; the lack of the second tools of production; lack of production third the lack of awareness; fourth. Production information to recruit team members through the way of recruiting, group activities, the circumstances surrounding the design team members to plan production cooperation, the four aspects of team production cooperation and promotion and use respectively, the control group of the group members through the pre-test and post test to compare the changes of data to show the group work methods involved in rural production cooperation to enhance the ability of the elderly. In the process, according to the group work. Case evaluation, design team work plan, the implementation of group work plan, the six stages of the project evaluation and closed group work to start, and make the implementation of group work in record, grasp the team members change and growth, timely response to the needs of team members. Through group work intervention, the left behind elderly production cooperation the ability has improved, this shows that group work can effectively intervene in the rural elderly production mutual promotion.
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