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发布时间:2018-03-25 07:01

  本文选题:知识女性 切入点:中国传统性文化 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:性与人类的繁衍、种族的延续、文化的传递息息相关。性作为一种生理、心理、社会现象,不仅伴随着每个人的终生发展,也贯穿于人类社会进步和文化发展的全过程。在中国五千年的历史长河中,在华夏文明的特殊历史环境下,形成了内涵丰富、形式多样的中国传统性文化。性文化在历史演进过程中的不断变化对性心理的发展产生了非常重要的影响。而性心理是人生的重要组成部分,在人生的不同阶段有着不同的性心理发展特点,其发展受到生物因素、个体心理、社会因素等多方面的影响。虽然社会进步、经济发展,性文化、性心理也成为近几年来学者研究的热点,但是人们对性文化及性心理的认识还远远不够,性文化对性心理影响方面的研究更是少之甚少,这就为本研究提供了广泛的研究空间。 本研究采取随机取样的方式,在辽宁省、山东省、河北省、内蒙古、北京市选取1100名不同年龄、不同学历、不同职业、不同民族的知识女性进行调查。在对部分被试进行访谈、开放式问卷作答以及对传统性文化史脉梳理的基础上,编制《中国传统性文化问卷》,并修订张楠《女大学生性心理结构问卷》,形成《知识女性性心理问卷》,对700名知识女性进行正式施测,分析知识女性对中国传统性文化的认知情况及其性心理的发展特点,并对两者的关系进行研究,最终根据问题提出相应对策。 研究结果表明:(1)自编《中国传统性文化问卷》,通过探索性因素分析,确定中国传统性文化问卷的结构为:传统性知识、传统性教育、传统性观念、传统性习俗;(2)目前知识女性对于中国传统性文化的认知程度处于中等偏下水平;(3)中国传统性文化在年龄、民族以及婚姻状态三个方面存在显著差异;(4)修订《知识女性性心理问卷》,问卷结构为:性欲望、性调控、性认知、性责任;(5)目前知识女性性心理的发展水平一般;(6)知识女性性心理在年龄、学历、婚姻状态三个方面存在显著差异;(7)中国传统性文化与知识女性性心理之间存在相关;(8)中国传统性文化对当代知识女性性心理具有一定的预测作用。
[Abstract]:Sex is closely related to the reproduction of human beings, the continuation of race and the transmission of culture. Sex, as a physiological, psychological and social phenomenon, is not only accompanied by the lifelong development of everyone. It also runs through the whole process of the progress of human society and the development of culture. In the long history of five thousand years in China, under the special historical environment of the Chinese civilization, it has formed a rich connotation. Chinese traditional culture in various forms. The constant changes in sexual culture in the course of historical evolution have a very important impact on the development of sexual psychology, and sexual psychology is an important part of life. The development of sexual psychology is influenced by biological factors, individual psychology, social factors, etc., although social progress, economic development, sex culture, etc. Sexual psychology has also become a hot topic for scholars in recent years, but people's understanding of sex culture and sexual psychology is far from enough, and the research on the influence of sex culture on sexual psychology is even less, which provides a wide range of research space for this study. In this study, 1100 people of different ages, different degrees, different occupations were selected in Liaoning, Shandong, Hebei, Inner Mongolia and Beijing by random sampling. On the basis of interviews with some of the subjects, answers to open questionnaires and combing of traditional cultural history, The questionnaire on traditional Chinese Culture was compiled, and Zhang Nan's questionnaire on sexual Psychological structure of female College students was revised to form the questionnaire of sexual Psychology of intellectual Women, which was formally tested on 700 women with knowledge. This paper analyzes the cognitive situation of intellectual women to Chinese traditional culture and the development characteristics of their sexual psychology, and studies the relationship between them, and finally puts forward corresponding countermeasures according to the problems. The research results show that the structure of the questionnaire is: traditional knowledge, traditional education, traditional concept, traditional knowledge, traditional education, and traditional concept, through exploratory factor analysis. (2) at present, intellectual women's cognition of Chinese traditional culture is at an intermediate level. (3) Chinese traditional culture is at an age. There are significant differences in nationality and marital status. (4) revision of the questionnaire on sexual Psychology of intellectual Women. The structure of the questionnaire is as follows: sexual desire, sexual regulation, sexual cognition. (5) at present, the level of development of the knowledge female sexual psychology is generally no less than 6%) the intellectual female sexual psychology is at the age, the education level, There are significant differences in three aspects of marital status. (7) there is a correlation between traditional Chinese culture and intellectual female sexual psychology. (8) Chinese traditional culture has a certain predictive effect on contemporary intellectual female sexual psychology.


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