本文选题:残疾人社会服务 切入点:服务标准 出处:《残疾人研究》2017年03期
[Abstract]:This paper studies the standard system of social services for the disabled in Korea. First of all, it introduces the general situation of the disabled population in Korea, as well as the inclusive and preferential social security policies for persons with disabilities. Then it studies the social service standard system for disabled persons in Korea from the macro and micro aspects. The macro level includes the current situation of service, the development process and the operating mechanism; the micro level includes the traditional residential institution for the disabled, the welfare home for the disabled. Assessment criteria in the area of support for activities for persons with disabilities. Services for persons with disabilities begin with the segregated protection model and, through the community support model, are now developed into a disability-centred model, At present, the three modes of service still coexist. This change reflects the changes in government and society's perceptions and perceptions of persons with disabilities. It makes the social service standard for the disabled in Korea show the tense situation of new and old changes in macro service system and micro service index, and presents as "change and tense service standard".
【作者单位】: 圣公会大学;中国人民大学劳动人事学院;
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