本文选题:丝绸之路经济带 切入点:中国本土企业 出处:《西安工业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of human society, more and more women participate in the social development and progress. Some excellent women have become managers of modern enterprises, practicing Marxism to encourage women to participate in social labor. To take the initiative to step onto the international social stage and realize the concept of women, which inspires more women in the world to emancipate themselves. Modern women have unique leadership characteristics. The Silk Road economic belt strategy implemented by China provides excellent women leaders of local enterprises with leading enterprises abroad to participate in international competition. The historical opportunity to show our talents. In the face of this historical opportunity, from the strategic perspective of the Silk Road Economic Belt, we study the female leaders of local enterprises in China to improve their leadership ability, give full play to their own advantages, and show the advantages of the characteristics of Chinese women's leadership. From the perspective of the Silk Road economic belt strategy, this study combs the domestic and foreign research on female enterprise leadership, and puts Marxism on encouraging women to actively participate in social labor practice. As the guiding ideology of the research, the author makes an exploratory study on the promotion of female leadership in Chinese native enterprises from the angle of strategic factor analysis by using the SWOT analysis method. First, the background and significance of the research are analyzed. Combing the current research situation at home and abroad, establishing the basic train of thought and content frame of the research, choosing the research method, defining the research angle. Secondly, analyzing the related concepts and related theories of this study, especially the Silk Road, the Silk Road Economic Belt, the Silk Road, the Silk Road Economic Belt, the Silk Road and the Silk Road Economic Belt. The concepts of local enterprises, leadership and leadership, gender and career development theory, women's leadership promotion theory, Marxist view of women and SWOT model theory are analyzed and summarized. Third, on the basis of the related concepts and theories, the Marxist theory of encouraging women to participate in social labor practice, to achieve self-liberation, Taking the Silk Road Economic Belt as the strategic angle of view and taking the basic viewpoint of participating in international social labor as the inspiration of this study, this paper applies SWOT analysis method to improve the female leadership of Chinese native enterprises, from its advantages and disadvantages. The opportunities and challenges are studied in four aspects, which provide the basis for the countermeasures and suggestions to enhance the leadership ability of Chinese local enterprise leaders to participate in the construction of the Silk Road. Finally, from the strategic perspective of the Silk Road economic belt, from the perspective of the country and society, Enterprises and women leaders themselves put forward the countermeasures and suggestions to improve the female leadership of local enterprises. From the strategic perspective of the Silk Road economic belt, the paper tries to study the research results of improving the leadership ability of local women enterprises in China. With a view to leading Chinese women to lead local enterprises to the international can learn from.
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