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发布时间:2018-04-05 16:26

  本文选题:哲学社会科学研究 切入点:高等学校 出处:《档案学通讯》2012年01期

[Abstract]:On 7 November 2011,The Ministry of Education has issued to the administrative departments of education and institutions of higher learning the opinions of the Ministry of Education on further improving the Research and Evaluation of philosophy and Social Sciences in Colleges and Universities (Education and Social Sciences [2011] No. 4) > (hereinafter referred to as "opinions").The research and evaluation of philosophy and social sciences in colleges and universities are reviewed.It is believed that the following problems exist: "the orientation of quality evaluation, which emphasizes the innovation of theory and the value of practical application, needs to be further strengthened, the classification and evaluation criteria which accord with the characteristics of philosophy and social sciences and the rules of development need to be further improved, and scientific and reasonable,"The evaluation system of honesty and fairness needs to be further improved; the evaluation method of valuing quantity and quality and form and content should be fundamentally reversed; the bad phenomena such as attaching importance to human relations, positivism, and personal views need to be effectively contained. "It should be said that this move by the Ministry of Education represents a profound reflection of the previous academic evaluation mechanism and a clear response to public criticism and appeals over the years.


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