发布时间:2018-04-09 11:01
本文选题:社会进步 切入点:社会认知 出处:《中共中央党校》2012年博士论文
【摘要】:自古以来,社会的发展和人类的进步就是人们追求的终极目标。就在人们尽情享受工业文明带来的种种物质财富时,人类却面对社会中的种种不和谐状态。城市膨胀、资源紧张、道德滑坡等种种方面,均体现出了人类的社会发展观念出现了一些偏差。在当前中国,社会的发展面临前所未有的机遇和挑战。虽然改革开放以来,我国经济社会取得了长足进步,但是要实现中华民族的伟大复兴,仍然任重而道远。中国共产党人在马克思主义理论的指导下,结合我国社会主义建设的实践,不断探索合我国国情的社会发展道路。因此,从哲学层面进行社会进步评价的研究,无论在实践上还是在理论上都具有重要意义。 本文主要从深层次的哲学层面,以社会认知与社会评价之间的关系为切入点,探讨的社会进步评价问题。力求深化对社会进步这一范畴的认识,深化社会认知和社会评价之间的关系的认识。通过对社会进步评价的历史尺度与价值尺度的探讨,揭示社会进步这一范畴的本质,进而探讨当代中国的社会进步评价问题,从而为建立合我国国情的社会进步评价体系进行理论探索。本文除绪论外共分为四章,从以下几个方面展开: 首先,明确研究的对象。为了理清社会进步评价问题的头绪,本文第一章首先对社会进步思想的历史沿革进行考察。在对中国古代社会进步思想、欧洲理性主义社会进步思想和现代西方社会进步思想的梳理的过程中,引出了马克思主义对以往社会进步思想的超越之处。马克思主义的社会进步观念以实践为基础,突出了社会进步的整体性和阶段性,坚决摒弃了理性主义者以逻辑推演取代历史真实的虚幻态度,批判了将进步与代价割裂开来的形而上学的错误思想。在对马克思主义的社会进步观念的分析基础上,本文继续对社会进步的概念进行重新探讨。在对几组社会进步的相关范畴进行比较分析的基础上,进一步阐述了社会进步的动力因素和特征。 其次,分析研究的机理。社会进步,既需要认识,也需要评价。社会进步需要社会主体依据一定的标准所进行的评价,这就意味着人们赋予社会以价值,揭示社会进步的意义。本文第二章首先探讨了认知与实践的关系,并在此基础上揭示其内在机理,从而为社会认知与社会评价进行元问题研究、为正确的社会评价奠定了基础。其次,本文将社会认知与社会评价统一于人的现实实践活动之中,认为社会评价是建立在社会认知基础上的,主体在自身立场上对社会价值的批判性认定。因此,社会评价的基本要素就有社会实践、主体价值和客观规律三个方面。 再次,剖析社会进步评价的尺度。社会评价总是表现为以一定的尺度来衡量社会整体发展的过程。这种社会评价的尺度是社会评价的标准,,是社会评价活动赖以进行的逻辑前提和基本依据。本文第三章首先探究了社会进步评价尺度的内涵,并对社会进步评价尺度进行了分类,确立了社会进步评价的原则。其次,本文将社会进步的评价尺度归结为历史尺度和价值尺度。其中,历史尺度是一种客体的尺度,集中表现为生产力中物的方面;价值尺度是一种主体的尺度,集中表现为生产力中人的因素。生产力即体现了历史尺度,又体现了价值尺度,两种尺度辩证统一于历史发展的整体进程。 最后,对当代中国的社会进步进行评价。纵观我国社会主义事业的建设过程,可以看出中国共产党对于社会进步评价尺度的理解是一个逐渐加深的过程。本文第四章在对建国后经验教训和创新探索总结的基础上,认为科学发展观的提出,是在我国各个阶段发展观和社会进步理念进行总结的基础上生成的。它既标志着对社会进步观念认识的巨大提升,也标志着我国在社会进步评价尺度理论方面的重大突破。接着本文分析了影响我国社会进步的主要问题,确定了当代我国社会进步的评价主体和当代我国社会的整体结构,指出了我国当前社会生产力发展不足和人的现代化程度不高的现实。最后本文对实现我国社会进步的基本途径进行了思考,认为我国的社会进步应从生产力发展、人的发展以及制度建设三个方面进行。
[Abstract]:Since ancient times, the ultimate goal of social development and human progress is the pursuit. When people enjoy all kinds of material wealth brought by industrial civilization, human society is facing a variety of disharmonious state. City expansion, resource constraints, and other aspects of the moral landslide, are reflected in the concept of social development of mankind there are some deviations in the current China. The development of the society, facing the hitherto unknown opportunities and challenges. Since the reform and opening up, China's economic and social progress, but to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, still has a long way to go. China Communists in Marx's theory, combined with the practice of socialist construction in China the continuous exploration in our country social development. Therefore, the research of social progress appraisal from the angle of philosophy, whether in practice or in theory All of them are of great significance.
This paper mainly from the angle of philosophy deeply, to the relationship between social cognition and social evaluation as the breakthrough point, the problem of social progress appraisal. To deepen the understanding of this category of social progress, deepening the understanding of the relationship between social cognition and social evaluation. Through the discussion of historical scale and value scale evaluation of social progress the essence of this category of social progress, and then discuss the social progress appraisal of contemporary China, which makes a theoretical exploration for the establishment in our country social progress evaluation system. This paper is divided into four chapters except the introduction, from the following aspects:
First, clear the object of study. In order to clarify the evaluation problem of social progress. In the first chapter, the history of social progress thought were investigated. In the process of social progress Chinese ancient thought, European rationalism thought and social progress of modern western social progress thought combing, leads to the transcendence of the Marx doctrine. The social progress thought. Marx's concept of social progress is based on practice, to highlight the integrity and the stage of social progress, and resolutely reject the rationalist logical reasoning to replace the real attitude of unreal history, criticized the wrong ideas of progress and cost will be separated from the metaphysics. Based on the analysis of social progress the concept of the Marx doctrine, this paper continues to re-examine the concept of social progress. In the relevant areas of several groups of social progress. On the basis of comparative analysis, the dynamic factors and characteristics of social progress are further elaborated.
Secondly, the mechanism analysis and research. The progress of the society, not only need to know, also needs to be evaluated. The social progress appraisal needs of social subject according to certain standards carried out, which means that people endowed with social value, reveal the meaning of social progress. The second chapter discusses the relationship between cognition and practice, reveals its inherent mechanism and on this basis, so as to social cognition and social evaluation of problem research, laid the foundation for the evaluation of social right. Secondly, based on the social cognitive and social evaluation to unify human practical activities, social evaluation is based on social cognition on the basis of the subject in its position on the critical of society the value of that. Therefore, the basic elements of social evaluation is a social practice, three aspects of subjective value and objective law.
Again, analysis of the social progress appraisal scale. Social evaluation always manifests itself as a process to measure the development of the whole society to a certain scale. This kind of social evaluation criterion of social evaluation standard, is the logical premise and basis for social evaluation activities. The third chapter explores the connotation of social progress evaluation scale, and on the social progress appraisal scale were classified, established the social progress appraisal principle. Secondly, this paper will evaluate the scale of social progress due to the history and value yardstick. Among them, the historical scale is a body scale, is manifested in the aspects of productive forces; the measure of value is a main scale. Focused on the factor of productivity. Human productivity which reflects the historical scale, but also reflects the value of the scale, two scale of dialectical unity in the history of the development of the whole process.
Finally, to evaluate the Chinese contemporary social progress. In the process of building socialism in our country, we can see that the Communist Party of Chinese is a gradually deepening process for the social progress appraisal scale understanding. In the fourth chapter, after the founding of the experience and innovation on the basis of summing up, that Scientific Outlook on Development proposed, is to generate summary based on the development in each stage of our country and social progress concept. It marks both great to improve the understanding of the concept of social progress, also marks a major breakthrough in the social progress appraisal scale theory in China. Then the paper analyzes the main problems affecting China's social progress, determine the overall structure of contemporary China's social progress and evaluation of the main contemporary Chinese society, pointed out that the degree of modernization of social productivity development issues and people in China is not high Finally, this paper thinks about the basic way to achieve social progress in China, and holds that our social progress should be carried out in three aspects: productivity development, human development and system construction.
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1 李彩薇;;关于马克思社会进步双重评价尺度在现代社会的运用分析[J];神州;2013年30期