本文选题:“老漂族 + 城市适应 ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着中国城市化的快速发展和人口老龄化进程的持续加快,很多老年人为了和子女团聚或为了照顾第三代,离开生活了大半辈子的生活环境到陌生的城市生活,他们虽然实现了与子女团聚但是也承受着身在异乡的孤独和烦恼,,这类群体就是“老漂族”。第六次全国人口普查数据表明,和十年前相比,我国现有流动人口明显增加,数量为2.6亿;同期我国老年人口所占比例为13.26%,这一方面显示了我国持续加快的老龄化进程,另一方面也说明随着人口流动和城市化发展,“老漂族”的规模日益庞大(郭楠楠2012)。 目前,我国“老漂族”的规模在不断壮大,其社会适应的问题也愈加突出,但国内关于这类介于城市和农村之间的特殊群体的研究还相对较少。随着“老漂族”群体规模的扩大,社会资源分配压力增大、社会和家庭养老负担加重、老年医疗资源和经费增加等社会问题也接踵而至,妥善解决“老漂族”面临的还需社会各界多做努力。“老漂族”是在我国严格城乡户籍制度和社会快节奏发展下产生的,受家庭本位意识影响,中国老年人认为他们有义务养育孩子,至少为他们解决后顾之忧。在城市生活,他们普遍的生活状态是:孤独、迷茫、没有朋友、思念故乡,精神和心理空巢比较严重。本研究以进入城市生活的农村和小城镇老年人为研究对象,从狭义范围来阐述“老漂族”,分析他们在城市生活的适应困境,尝试采用文献研究法和深度访谈法,从社会工作视角对“老漂族”的城市社会适应策略进行深入的研究和探讨。 由于自身生理和心理存在诸多不适,“老漂族”在城市社会生活面临重重困难,主要表现在语言沟通、生活习惯、娱乐方式、社会角色、代际关系、文化习俗等多方面。结合其他学者的研究成果和本研究的访谈资料,本文将从心理状态、思想观念、行为方式和社会支持网络四个维度来阐述“老漂族”的城市适应面临的问题。本研究确定了20名进入城市生活的农村或小城镇老年人,对他们进行全面的访谈和调查,进而对“老漂族”的城市适应困境做出系统详细的分析和阐释,并运用社会工作个案、小组、社区三个方法介入“老漂族”城市适应问题。在此基础上,从“老漂族”自身、家庭、社区这三个方面提出相关对策,提高“老漂族”这一特殊群体社会适应水平,恢复他们的社会功能,提升他们的生活幸福感的社会工作方法和策略。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's urbanization and the continuous acceleration of the aging process of the population, many elderly people, in order to be reunited with their children or to take care of the third generation, have left the living environment for most of their lives to live in strange cities. Although they have been reunited with their children, they also bear the loneliness and trouble of being in a foreign land, such as the "old drifters". The data from the sixth national census show that, compared with 10 years ago, China's current floating population has increased significantly, with a number of 260 million. In the same period, the proportion of the elderly population in our country was 13.26. This shows, on the one hand, that the aging process in our country continues to accelerate. On the other hand, it also shows that with the development of population flow and urbanization, the scale of "old drifters" is increasing (Guo Nannan, 2012). At present, the scale of the "old drifters" in our country is growing, and the problem of their social adaptation is becoming more and more prominent. However, there are relatively few studies on this kind of special groups between the cities and the countryside in our country. With the expansion of the "old drifters" group, the pressure on the distribution of social resources increased, the burden of social and family pension increased, and social problems such as the increase of medical resources and funds for the elderly followed. The proper solution of the "old drifters" still needs more efforts from all walks of life. The "old drifters" came into being under the strict urban and rural household registration system and the rapid development of society. Influenced by the sense of family standard, the elderly people in China think that they have the duty to raise children, at least to solve their worries. In urban life, their common living conditions are loneliness, confusion, no friends, homesickness, spiritual and psychological empty nests. This research takes the rural and small town old people who enter the urban life as the research object, from the narrow scope to expound "the old drifters", analyzes their adaptation predicament in the city life, tries to adopt the literature research method and the depth interview method. From the perspective of social work, the urban social adaptation strategies of the "old drifters" are deeply studied and discussed. Due to their own physical and psychological discomfort, the "old drifters" face many difficulties in urban social life, mainly in language communication, living habits, entertainment, social roles, intergenerational relations, cultural customs and so on. Combined with the research results of other scholars and the interview data of this study, this paper will expound the problems faced by the "old drifters" in urban adaptation from the four dimensions of psychological state, ideology, behavior and social support network. This study identified 20 rural or small town elderly who entered into urban life, conducted a comprehensive interview and investigation, and then made a systematic and detailed analysis and interpretation of the "old drifters" in the city to adapt to the plight, and used social work cases. Group, community three methods involved in the "old drifters" urban adaptation. On this basis, the author puts forward the relevant countermeasures from the three aspects of the "old drifters" themselves, families and communities, so as to improve the social adaptation level of the "old drifters" and restore their social functions. Social work methods and strategies to improve their well-being in life.
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