本文选题:人的发展 + 人的现代化 ; 参考:《河南师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In order to realize the strategic goal of modernization and the great ideal of free and all-round development of human beings, our country must complete the modernization of human beings, the core and key of which is the modernization of human concepts. Only by realizing the transformation from traditional concept to modern idea, can we promote the development of socialist modernization in our country. The modernization idea such as subject concept, rule of law, competition consciousness, public idea and so on are injected into the people's thought, and the behavior is driven by the idea, which shows the great dynamic function of the modernization of the human idea, so as to make our country realize the modernization truly. China has made certain achievements in its economic development. What cannot be avoided is that there is still a difficult way to go before the requirements of a truly modern country, and the most important gap in our country is in the area of human modernization. In the process of modernization, some of the ideas of people have been transformed into the concept of modernization, but there are still some ideas that have not yet been renewed and changed. The conflict between traditional and modern concepts seriously affects the process of modernization of our country. Therefore, it is of great value and significance for every individual to realize the modernization of human beings by realizing the transformation from traditional concepts to modern concepts. Based on this, it is of great significance in theory and practice to study the modernization of human concept in our country. Marxists believe that while attaching importance to the development of material productive forces, it is also necessary to emphasize the important and dynamic role of spiritual production in the free and all-round development of human beings. Different times have different ideas corresponding to them, and only those that adapt to the development of the times can correctly guide people's behavior. Therefore, in our country, there is only one that matches modernization. Only by constantly changing the traditional concept to the modern idea can we promote our country to become a modern country with real meaning. The study of the modernization of human concept should be based on Marx's theory on the all-round development of human beings, and at the same time, draw lessons from the western modernization theory, analyze the importance and characteristics of human modernization, and the profound connotation of human concept modernization. This paper probes into the dynamic effect of the modernization of human concept on the modernization of man and society. In combination with the contradictions and conflicts existing in the transformation of Chinese traditional concepts to modern concepts, such as the conflict between the concept of power dependence and the subject of self, The contradiction between the concept of human feelings and the concept of rule of law, as well as the market concept and public consciousness, which have not been fully formed, exist in real life in people's ideology. It is an important factor that hinders our individual progress and development. Market economy is not only a means of resource allocation, but also an important mechanism of constant renewal of ideology. At present, the investment and attention in education in our country is still not enough. The problems of education, rule of law and social environment still hinder the realization of the modernization of Chinese people's concept to a certain extent. In order to realize the renewal and transformation of Chinese people's concept, we should really proceed from the reality. On the one hand, as the main body of the modernization of ideas, we should learn and reflect ourselves, on the other hand, we should change the educational concept and lead by the socialist core values. We will further optimize our public opinion and cultural environment, promote the promotion of people's concept of modernization with a good social environment, and promote the modernization of the rule of law in our country, improve the system of the rule of law, and build the order of the rule of law. To promote the modernization of people's concept by the way of rule of law, so as to standardize people's behavior, internalize in mind and externalize in action.
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