本文选题:名人 + 公共关系危机 ; 参考:《北京林业大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:经济生活的高速发展及社会关系的复杂化决定了社会成员都无法避免随时可能发生的危机事件。而具有较高公众知名度、积极社会影响力以及一定组织背景的名人因为其特殊的身份以及普遍的舆论关注性,在危机发生之时需要有比常人更为快速有效的应对策略及技巧以应对危机造成的影响与破坏。但纵观国内外名人,重视危机公关的微乎其微,在危机公关方面处理得当的更是少之又少。大多数是在危机发生之时,才临阵磨枪,匆忙应对。处理得当的危机不仅能使名人的形象转“危”为“安”,还有可能获得一次提升“美誉度”的机会;而处理不当的危机不仅使名人形象进一步恶化,还有可能产生“连锁反应”,造成其所在的地区、行业甚至整个国家的形象危机。 本文以名人形象管理中的公共关系危机作为研究对象。首先,界定本研究所涉及的名人的范围,并在此基础上在对名人公关危机的特点及分类进行分析总结;其次,通过四种不同的视角详细介绍了名人危机公关的历史现状及存在的问题;最后,对名人危机公关进行宏观上的策略分析与微观上的技巧分析,以期为名人形象危机公关处理与日常维护提供操作建议,并加强公共关系思想与危机公关理论在名人形象建设中的应用。 在分析过程中,本文突破了学术文献仅对组织公共关系危机加以研究和分析的局限,在搜集分析了大量真实案例的基础上,对以个人中具有代表性与典型性的名人为公共关系主体的公共关系危机历史现状及问题进行总结分析,并在此基础上提出较为全面、完整的危机公共关系对策技巧,以期在危机公关现有操作流程基础之上,进一步构建完整的危机公关理论体系。
[Abstract]:The rapid development of economic life and the complication of social relations determine that social members can not avoid the crisis that may occur at any time. And celebrities with high public awareness, positive social influence and a certain organizational background, because of their special status and general public concern, When the crisis occurs, it needs more rapid and effective coping strategies and techniques to cope with the impact and damage caused by the crisis. However, celebrities at home and abroad pay little attention to crisis public relations, especially in crisis public relations. Most of it was when the crisis struck, only to respond in a hurry. A properly handled crisis not only turns the image of a celebrity into a "safe", but also offers a chance to raise the "reputation" of the celebrity, and a mishandled crisis not only further worsens the image of the celebrity, There is also the possibility of a "chain reaction", causing its region, industry and even the image of the whole country crisis. This article regards the public relations crisis in celebrity image management as the research object. First of all, define the scope of celebrities involved in this study, and on the basis of this, the characteristics and classification of celebrity public relations crisis are analyzed and summarized. Through four different angles of view, this paper introduces the historical status and existing problems of celebrity crisis public relations in detail. Finally, it analyzes the macro strategy and microcosmic skills of celebrity crisis public relations. The purpose of this paper is to provide operational advice for the public relations management and daily maintenance of celebrity image crisis, and to strengthen the application of public relations theory and crisis public relations theory in celebrity image construction. In the process of analysis, this paper breaks through the limitation that academic literature only studies and analyzes the crisis of organizational public relations, and on the basis of collecting and analyzing a large number of real cases, This paper summarizes and analyzes the historical status and problems of the public relations crisis in which the representative and typical celebrities are the main body of public relations, and puts forward more comprehensive and complete countermeasures for the public relations crisis on this basis. In order to build a complete crisis public relations theory system based on the existing operation process of crisis public relations.
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