本文选题:城市 + 居民 ; 参考:《北方工业大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:在现代城市生活中,社区是与居民生活息息相关的基层组织。伴随着我国城市化的不断推进和城市社区自治范围的扩大,对于这一领域的理论研究和配套制度也要跟上。本文从多学科的角度、用跨学科的研究将有助于这项工作。着眼于能够更加透彻地研究我国当下的城市社区居民自治,本文力求对这一问题的现状和成因展开研究并给出对策。 论文采用文义分析、比较、历史考察、经济学成本与收益和社会学的抽样调查、个别访谈、资料收集及数据分析等实证研究的方法,对研究对象进行多角度、全方位的分析。 本文以我国城市社区居民自治为切入点,秉持扎实严谨的研究风格,辨析相关概念,考察历史成因,以对典型社区的调研和访谈为基础展开分析和论证,列出了带有普遍性的问题,并指明了未来的趋势和对策。本文能够成为学界研究该问题的参考并为社区治理变革做理论上的贮备,从而兼有理论与实践双重意义。 着眼于完成彻底的现代化转型,要充分发挥城市的核心作用,通过城市社区居民自治的实现,为日后将会启动的政治体制改革奠定基础,与此同时,社区居民自治的探索和实践也可给寻路中的村民自治以有益启示。
[Abstract]:In modern urban life, the community is closely related to the life of the grassroots organizations. With the development of urbanization and the expansion of the scope of urban community autonomy, the theoretical research and supporting system in this field should be kept up. From a multi-disciplinary point of view, cross-disciplinary research will be helpful to this work. With a view to a more thorough study of the present urban community autonomy in China, this paper tries to study the present situation and causes of this problem and give some countermeasures. This paper uses the methods of semantic analysis, comparison, historical investigation, sample investigation of economics cost and benefit and sociology, individual interview, data collection and data analysis to analyze the research object from various angles and all directions. In this paper, based on the research and interview of typical communities, this paper takes the autonomy of urban community residents as the starting point, holds a solid and rigorous research style, discriminates the relevant concepts, investigates the historical causes, and makes an analysis and demonstration on the basis of the investigation and interview of typical communities. The general problems are listed, and the future trends and countermeasures are pointed out. This paper can be used as a reference for academic circles to study this problem and to make theoretical storage for community governance reform, thus having both theoretical and practical significance. With a view to completing the complete modernization transformation, we should give full play to the central role of the city, and lay the foundation for the political system reform that will be launched in the future through the realization of urban community residents' autonomy, and at the same time, The exploration and practice of community residents' autonomy can also give beneficial enlightenment to villagers' autonomy.
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