发布时间:2018-05-17 10:30
本文选题:商务谈判 + 谈判者 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2012年博士论文
【摘要】:商务谈判是人类社会经济生活中的重要内容之一,是企业间及企业与外部信息沟通、业务往来的重要手段。在经济全球化的背景下,不同区域范围内的商务谈判日益显示出其普遍性和重要性。对商务谈判的相关问题做深入研究有极大的理论意义和实践意义。 至今为止我国加入WTO已经11年,我国加入世贸组织取得了巨大的成就:1.我国对外贸易在世界贸易中所占比重显著上升,从4.3%提高到10.4%,加入WTO为我国的经济发展带来了巨大商机,进出口规模也在不断扩大。在出口方面我国已经跃居世界第一,在进口方面居世界第二。我国已经成为名副其实的世界进出口大国。世界贸易组织的巨大商机有效推动了我国世界贸易的快速发展,其增长速度是我国近三十年最快的,在世界范围内也居于最前端。2.我国综合经济实力增强。十年前我国国内生产总值在世界范围内还位居世界第六,加入WTO后的10年,我国经济总体快速增长,连续多年保持两位数的增长速度。无论是国内生产总值还是国内人均收入,以及外汇储备量都呈获得极大增长,我国已成为世界第二大经济体。3.我国经济的快速发展对推动世界经济的发展起到了积极的影响。4.中国已经成为世界经济稳定增长的重要力量。5.中国经济发展为不发达国家经济发展做出了极大贡献。6.产业竞争力不断增强,出现了在世界范围内有竞争力的大企业。这些成就进一步说明对促进我国国内国际贸易、我国流通产业发展、我国商业发展的商务谈判深入研究十分必要而且重要。 国际商务谈判中我方或与WTO规则不合、或因为加入WTO的承诺、或因中国企业在国际谈判中的不利使得政府介入企业与企业的谈判而时常处于被动。 如2004年因我国限制焦炭出口措施违反WTO规则引发中欧焦炭贸易谈判,如2005年因我国加入WTO的承诺而引发中国与欧盟及美国的纺织品贸易之争,再如中国自1996年起大量进口铁矿石,2003年成为世界第一大铁矿石进口国,但是中国与世界三大铁矿石供应商的价格谈判,中国却一直处于下峰,受制于世界三大铁矿石供应商价格谈判的惯例,为了打破这样的不利局面,中国及中国的钢铁企业做了很多努力,包括中国政府有关部门介入企业、行业协会间谈判的尴尬情况,但是效果仍然不是很好。加之,很多中国企业在努力走向世界,虽有成功的企业但是很多企业与国外企业的并购失败了,如四川长虹2003年到2006年与美国APEX公司的纠纷,美国APEX公司董事长季龙粉拖欠四川长虹40亿人民币长达几年,最后四川长虹不得不接受的以获得APEX系列商标替代大笔欠款的结局;2004年联想收购IBM的PC业务,2004年TCL与法国汤姆逊的合资都以亏损几年为共同特征,国际贸易中国政府和中国企业的失利表明商务谈判在我国政府与他国的贸易中、在我国企业开拓国内外市场的过程中其重要性越来越不容忽视。 能力、气质和性格在很大程度上决定着一个人是否能胜任谈判。周恩来总理和龙永图之所以能在谈判中表现卓越,和他们的气质性格息息相关,因此讨论能力、气质和性格对谈判及商务谈判者胜任的影响十分有意义。 近年来中国不同区域范围内的商务谈判都存在这样那样的问题。在国际商务谈判中,我国常常处于被动和不利地位。究其原因主要是我国缺乏专业化的国际商务谈判人才。我国的国际商务谈判多由政府出面,谈判队伍多数是以政界的领导为代表,企业与各行业协会缺乏直接参与国际商务谈判的机会;企业与各行业协会即便有商务上的策略与意愿也多数由政府代表进行转述代言;在国际商务谈判中我国很少主动有备出击,只是对对方问题的被动回击,既无暇顾及国内企业及专家学者的声音,也不能全局统观,我方常常处于被动;我国一线谈判的专业型人才不足,经验不足,不足以应付马拉松式的多边贸易谈判;我国严重缺乏自身拥有较为丰富的谈判经验和策略、又懂得国际国内相应的法律法规,有扎实的专业知识的复合型人才;我国国内商业贸易部门也急待提高从业人员素质,培养精通商务谈判的从业人员。 商务谈判讨论的是商品购买阶段和商品售卖阶段的相关问题,其目的就是解决商品流通的相关问题;本文是在商品流通理论范畴下对促进商品流通做的积极探讨,既可以丰富宽派流通理论的研究又可以丰富窄派流通理论的研究,商务谈判相关问题研究促进了宽窄流通理论研究的发展。本研究是以问题为导向的,不是对政策的解释,能够解决商务谈判实际问题,对流通中的问题科学求解,对商务谈判实践是有积极的意义。 本研究研究角度、研究内容比较新、研究成果较新,在商务谈判领域研究胜任力模型,对商务谈判的探讨落脚于对谈判者的能力、气质、性格等个人心理特征对谈判者胜任状况的实证研究,这不同于很多流通经济研究内容重复和空洞的特点。 本研究结合商务谈判理论、心理学、管理学的观点,在专家访谈法、问卷调查法和数理统计相结合的研究方法下,提出商务谈判胜任力模型,为实践中商务谈判者的挑选和管理找到依据,利用问卷调查法和数理统计结合的方法,实证分析得出不同气质不同性格对商务谈判胜任状况的影响,为商务谈判选择更合适的气质及性格的谈判者找到依据,本研究结合了后现代经济学的前沿观点并借鉴了现代经济学的研究框架。 本研究是对人力资本及其管理的理论研究延伸与发展。商务谈判者胜任力模型构建将胜任力模型引入了商务谈判领域,综合胜任力理论、统计学理论、心理学理论和管理学理论的研究方法,在此基础上本研究建立了商务谈判者胜任力模型。本研究将个性心理特征与商务谈判结合起来,丰富了心理学的研究。 本研究中构建的商务谈判者胜任力模型可以为商务谈判者能力评价提供真实可靠的基础和依据。科学、合理、高效的商务谈判者评价及选择对于包括谈判人员、销售人员、营销人员和管理人员在内的商务谈判者至关重要,可以合理地组织建商务谈判人员队伍,培养出商务谈判精英,进而在一定程度上促进国内贸易和国际贸易发展;本研究可以得出不同能力、性格、气质、对商务谈判者胜任状况的影响。商务谈判人员可以以气质性格对谈判结果的影响为依据,避免在谈判中因个人气质性格等原因出现决策失误,避免在谈判中情绪的波动而给谈判带来不利,商务谈判人员可以以胜任力模型为标准,找到自身与优秀谈判者之间的不同,挖掘自身潜能,从而达到自我认知、自我开发和自我成长的目的;本研究结论有利于管理者合理安排商务谈判人员的任务,同时使商务谈判人员结合自身的特点的更为合理地选择任务,这一方面可以提高谈判的成功率,另一方面可以有效的避免商务谈判人员不根据自身特点盲目参与谈判而造成的不合理的竞争;通过前期的问卷调查及结果的分析可以得出商务谈判者不同的气质和性格对于谈判结果有一定影响,企业可以有意的选择有利于谈判胜任的气质,训练、引发商务谈判者有利于谈判胜任的性格,对商务谈判者的遴选、对商务谈判者的管理、谈判人员的培训及对商务谈判者谈判时控制谈判情绪减少失误、对商务谈判者本人的日常训练和提升、发展都有指导意义,为有志于成为商务谈判者的人提供重要参考。 本论文一共分为五个部分: 第一部分:绪论。对本选题的背景和研究意义,设计研究思路,指出研究内容、论文结构和研究方法,表述创新和不足。 第二部分:相关理论及述评。分为商务谈判理论及述评、个人心理特征理论及述评、胜任力理论及述评。 第三部分:商务谈判者胜任力模型研究。首先查阅大量文献资料,利用访谈法、内容分析法提取谈判者胜任特征,编写和建立初步的胜任力特征结构表,构建商务谈判者胜任力模型草案。利用初始问卷调查收集数据,最终收回100份有效预试问卷,通过探索性因子分析初始问卷,用SPSS软件进行信度和效度检验,得出胜任力特征构成。正式问卷到此设计出来,之后通过更大规模的发放问卷,收回264份有效问卷,通过信度和效度对所得数据进行分析,表示表示数据与模型拟合较好,证实商务谈判者胜任力模型构建比较合理,最后得到经过验证的商务谈判者胜任力模型。 第四部分:气质及性格对商务谈判者胜任状况影响研究。首先根据商务谈判理论和实践设计60题商务谈判者胜任问卷。依据气质的相关基础理论,为探索气质对谈判胜任状况的影响,将商务谈判者胜任问卷与陈会昌气质测量表相结合,进行问卷调查,对收回数据进行分析,来说明不同气质类型对商务谈判者胜任状况的影响。依据性格的相关基础理论,为探索性格对谈判胜任状况的影响,将商务谈判者胜任问卷与Y-G性格测量表相结合,进行问卷调查,对收回数据进行分析,来说明性格中的不同表现对商务谈判者胜任状况的影响。 第五部分:结论建议与展望。总结上述各章的研究,提出建议,并对未来研究进行展望。 本文的创新体现在以下几点: 1.本文引入麦克利兰胜任模型研究建立了评价商务谈判者胜任力状况的8要素模型,并且在访谈和问卷调查的基础上,收集数据作计量分析,对模型的有效性进行了检测和验证。 2.用实证的方法,从个人心理特征角度探讨气质和性格对商务谈判者胜任状况的影响,得出了有重要参考价值的结论。 以往的成果研究商务谈判者气质和性格对谈判的影响,侧重于管理者识人用人的角度,一般仅分析气质的四种类型以及各类型气质的人有什么样的表现,应该怎么管理对待;适合谈判的人的性格应该是怎么样的,应该怎么管理对待。以往的成果大多是经验的分析和总结,缺乏实证研究的支持。 本文在分析讨论气质、性格对商务谈判者胜任状况的影响时,在有关商务谈判理论基础上,设计了并使用了60题的商务谈判胜任问卷,同时使用了陈会昌60题气质测试题和Y-G性格测试题,对回收问卷作统计分析,以揭示商务谈判者胜任的气质和性格会更多的落在哪些气质类型和性格表现中,所得的结论对实践中企业遴选、管理、培训商务谈判者、商务谈判者谈判时控制谈判情绪减少失误及修炼提升自己、有志于成为商务谈判者的人有重要参考价值。 3.本文设计的60题的商务谈判者胜任问卷,对后续研究者有参考价值。 作者根据谈判理论中涉及的应遵循的原则、容易出现的错误、优秀谈判者应具备的素质和知识等各个方面,设计了60题的商务谈判者胜任问卷,用于测度者气质性格对商务谈判胜任状况的影响,该问卷是作者的原创设计,对后续研究者有参考价值。 本文的不足有: 1.由于资料有限,学识水平有限,本文所做的概念界定可能会不准确。 2.本研究设计的60题的商务谈判者胜任问卷,由于本人资料有限,学识水平有限,有可能会有不深入、不全面等疏漏的地方;也由于问卷出题不能太多否则答题的人会疲倦影响答题效果,再由于商务谈判理论和实践是如此的广博,仅60题难以全面准确地考察,所以本研究设计的60题的商务谈判者胜任问卷是作者的创新其实也是应该深入研究的地方。 3.本研究问卷由于内容设计的原因是系列问卷,虽然研究者考虑到了答题者答题的时间长短问题,尽量安排了较少的题目,如没有使用134题的斯特里劳气质调查表(STI),而是使用了60题的陈会昌气质量表,但由于是系列问卷还是使答题者犯难,有实践经验的高年级大学本科生较有时间还好说,答题较为准确,而各工作岗位上的被调查者就因为时间以及重视程度等原因,他们的答题就有可能会花较少时间不用心答,他们的答案统计了以后就会影响研究结果。
[Abstract]:Business negotiation is one of the important contents of human social and economic life. It is an important means of communication and business between enterprises and enterprises and external information. Under the background of economic globalization, business negotiation in different regions is increasingly showing its universality and importance. There is a great deal of deep research on the related issues of business negotiation. Theoretical and practical significance.
Up to 11 years since China's entry into the WTO, China's accession to the WTO has made great achievements: 1. the proportion of China's foreign trade in the world trade has risen significantly, from 4.3% to 10.4%, and the entry into WTO has brought great business opportunities for our economic development, and the scale of import and export is also expanding. China has leaped in the export area. The world is the top second in the world. China has become a real world import and export country. The huge business opportunities of the world trade organization have effectively promoted the rapid development of China's world trade. Its growth rate is the fastest in China in the last thirty years, and in the world, it is also the most front-end.2. in China. Ten years ago, China's gross domestic product was still in the world's sixth world, and the 10 year after joining the WTO, China's economy grew rapidly and maintained the two digit growth rate for many years. The gross domestic product, domestic per capita income and foreign exchange reserves have increased greatly, and China has become the second largest economy in the world. .3. China's rapid economic development has played an active role in promoting the development of the world economy..4. China has become an important force in the stable growth of the world economy.5. China's economic development has made great contributions to the economic development of the underdeveloped countries. The competitiveness of the industry has been strengthened continuously, and the competitiveness of the world has emerged. These achievements further indicate that it is necessary and important to study the development of China's domestic and international trade, the development of China's circulation industry, and the in-depth study of business negotiation in China's commercial development.
In international business negotiations, we are often in a passive position, either with the rules of the WTO, or because of the commitment to join the WTO, or because of the disadvantage of the Chinese enterprises in the international negotiations that make the government intervene in the negotiations between enterprises and enterprises.
For example, in 2004, China's restrictions on coke export measures in violation of the WTO rules triggered the Sino European coke trade negotiations. For example, in 2005, China joined the European Union and the United States for the textile trade between China and the United States because of China's accession to the WTO. Again, China imported a large amount of iron ore since 1996 and became the largest importer of the world's largest iron ore in 2003, but China and the world China has been at the peak of the price negotiations between the three major iron ore suppliers, which is subject to the Convention on price negotiations among the three largest iron ore suppliers in the world. In order to break this unfavorable situation, China and China's steel enterprises have made a lot of efforts, including the embarrassing situation of the Chinese government departments involved in the negotiations between the enterprises and the trade associations. The effect is still not very good. In addition, many Chinese enterprises are trying to move towards the world. Although there are successful enterprises, many enterprises and foreign enterprises have failed, such as the dispute between Sichuan Changhong in 2003 and 2006 with American APEX company, APEX company chairman Ji Long powder arrears Sichuan Changhong for 4 billion RMB for several years, and finally Sichuan Changhong has to accept the outcome of the APEX series of trade marks instead of a large amount of money; in 2004, the PC business of IBM, and the joint venture between TCL and Thompson in 2004, were common features of a loss for several years. The loss of the Chinese government and Chinese enterprises in international trade showed that business negotiations were in our state's trade with other countries in our state-owned enterprises. The importance of developing domestic and foreign markets is becoming more and more important.
Ability, temperament and character largely determine whether a person is competent for negotiations. Prime Minister Zhou Enlai and Long Yongtu are outstanding in the negotiation and are closely related to their temperament and character, so the discussion of ability, temperament and character is of great significance to the influence of negotiation and business negotiators.
In recent years, there have been such problems in the business negotiations in different regions of China. In the international business negotiations, our country is often in a passive and unfavorable position. The main reason is that our country lacks professional international business negotiators. Our international business negotiations are mostly from the government, and the majority of the negotiating team are led by the political leaders. As a representative, enterprises and industry associations lack the opportunity to directly participate in international business negotiations; enterprises and industry associations, even if they have business strategies and wishes, are mostly restated by government representatives. In international business negotiations, our country rarely actively strikes and is only a passive response to the other's problems, and it has no time to take care of it. The voice of domestic enterprises and experts and scholars can not be taken as a global view, and our side is often passive. The professional talents of the first line negotiations in our country are insufficient, lack of experience, not enough to deal with the marathon multilateral trade negotiations, and our country is seriously lacking in its own rich negotiated experience and strategy, and the relevant legal law at home and abroad. Rules, with a solid professional knowledge of the compound talents, China's domestic commercial and trade departments are also urgent to improve the quality of employees to cultivate professional business negotiators.
Business negotiation discusses the related issues of commodity purchase stage and commodity sale stage. The purpose is to solve the related problems of commodity circulation. This article is a positive discussion on the promotion of commodity circulation in the category of commodity circulation theory, which can enrich the research of the theory of wide distribution and enrich the research of the theory of narrow circulation. The research on issues related to negotiation has promoted the development of the research on the theory of broad and narrow circulation. This study is a problem oriented, not a policy interpretation, a solution to the practical problems of business negotiation, a scientific solution to the problems in circulation and a positive significance for the practice of business negotiation.
In this study, the research content is new, the research results are more new, the competency model is studied in the field of business negotiation, and the discussion of business negotiation is based on the empirical research on the competence of negotiators on the ability, temperament and character of the negotiators. This is different from the repetition and void of many research contents in the circulation economy. Point.
This research combines the theory of business negotiation, psychology and management, and puts forward the competency model of business negotiation under the method of expert interview, questionnaire survey and mathematical statistics. It finds the basis for the selection and management of business negotiators in practice, and uses the method of combination of questionnaire survey and mathematical statistics. The influence of different temperament and different personality on the competence of business negotiation is to find the basis for negotiators to choose a more suitable temperament and character. This study combines the frontier of post-modern economics and draws on the framework of modern economics.
This research is the extension and development of the theoretical research on human capital and its management. Business negotiator competency model constructs the competency model into business negotiation field, comprehensive competency theory, statistics theory, psychology theory and management theory. On this basis, this study establishes the competency model of business negotiators. This study combines personality psychology with business negotiation to enrich psychological research.
The business negotiator competency model constructed in this study can provide a true and reliable basis and basis for the evaluation of business negotiators. Scientific, reasonable and efficient business negotiators' evaluation and selection are critical to the negotiators, salesmen, marketers, and managers in the business negotiators. To build business negotiators, cultivate business negotiation elite, and to a certain extent promote the development of domestic trade and international trade. This study can draw different abilities, character, temperament, and influence on the competence of business negotiators. Business negotiators can avoid the effect of gas character on the outcome of negotiations. Because of personal temperament, personality and other reasons, decision mistakes are made to avoid the adverse mood fluctuations in the negotiation. The business negotiators can find their own differences between their own and the excellent negotiators and dig their own potential with the competency model as the standard, thus achieving the goal of self cognition, self development and self growth. The conclusions can help managers to arrange business negotiators' task reasonably, and make business negotiators choose their tasks more rationally with their own characteristics, which can improve the success rate of negotiations. On the other hand, it can effectively avoid the failure of business negotiators to blindly participate in negotiations according to their own characteristics. Reasonable competition; through the previous questionnaire survey and the analysis of the results, it can be concluded that the different temperament and character of the business negotiators have a certain influence on the outcome of the negotiation. The enterprise can choose the temperament which is beneficial to the negotiation competence, training, triggering the business negotiators to be favorable to the negotiation competence, the selection of business negotiators, and the business negotiators. The management of the negotiators, the training of the negotiators, and the reduction of the negotiation mood in the negotiation of business negotiators is a guide to the daily training, promotion and development of the business negotiator, and provides important reference for the people who are determined to become business negotiators.
This paper is divided into five parts:
The first part: introduction. The background and significance of this topic, the design and research ideas, the research contents, the structure and research methods of the thesis, and the innovation and inadequacy are stated.
The second part: related theories and commentary, including business negotiation theory and commentary, personal psychological characteristics theory and review, competency theory and commentary.
The third part: business negotiator competency model research. First, consult a large number of documents, use interview method, content analysis method to extract negotiators' competency, compile and establish preliminary competency characteristic structure table, construct business negotiator competency model draft. Use initial questionnaire survey to collect data, finally recover 100 valid previews. Test the questionnaire, through the exploratory factor analysis of the initial questionnaire, using the SPSS software to test the reliability and validity, and draw up the composition of the competency. The formal questionnaire was designed. Then 264 valid questionnaires were collected through a more large-scale questionnaire, and the data were analyzed by the reliability and validity to express the data and model fitting. It proves that the competency model of business negotiators is relatively reasonable, and finally the competency model of business negotiators is finally obtained.
The fourth part: the study of the influence of temperament and personality on the competence of business negotiators. First, according to the theory and practice of business negotiation, design 60 business negotiators' competency questionnaire. Based on the basic theory of temperament, to explore the influence of temperament on the competence of negotiation, combine the competency questionnaire of business negotiator with the Chen Huichang Temperament Survey. A questionnaire survey was conducted to analyze the recovery data to illustrate the influence of different temperament types on the competence of business negotiators. Based on the basic theory of character, to explore the influence of personality on the competence of negotiations, a questionnaire survey was carried out with a questionnaire on the competence of the negotiator and the Y-G character survey. To illustrate the influence of different performance on the competence of business negotiators.
The fifth part: conclusion recommendations and prospects. Summarize the above chapters, make recommendations, and look forward to future research.
The innovation of this article is reflected in the following points:
1. this paper introduces the Mcclelland competency model to establish a 8 factor model for evaluating the competence of business negotiators, and on the basis of interviews and questionnaires, collect data for measurement and analysis, and test and verify the validity of the model.
2., using empirical methods to explore the influence of temperament and personality on the competence of business negotiators from the perspective of personal psychological characteristics, and draw valuable conclusions.
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1 张新华;人的气质与管理[J];新疆社科论坛;2000年04期