发布时间:2018-05-22 19:55
本文选题:青年 + 试婚 ; 参考:《江西师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:二战后,西方的性革命、性解放思潮高涨,波及亚洲。改革开放使中国社会发生急剧变化。表现在婚恋中则是试婚、闪婚等现象的出现。试婚已从不敢想象、不能接受到今天的见怪不怪,试婚人数剧增。可见,试婚已成为一道不可忽视的婚恋景观。 本文围绕当代青年试婚现象的道德审视这一主题,分析了当代青年试婚现象的主要特点及影响,从道德视角对当代青年试婚现象进行审视,提出了建立符合社会主义道德要求婚恋观的相关对策。 试婚的出现和蔓延有其深层的社会背景和主观动机,其体验性、考验性、随意性、逃避性、试压性等特点,决定了它的流行和发展给我国当代青年的婚恋观和婚姻家庭带来了巨大的冲击和影响。它不仅给当事人造成严重的生理、心理伤害,影响到未来的婚姻生活和质量,而且直接影响到社会的稳定与和谐。试婚作为一种不轨行为,是不道德的。试婚违背了婚恋伦理道德、违背了性伦理道德、轻视了个体道德责任。因而,社会各界对试婚应予以足够的重视,应倡导正确的青年婚恋伦理道德和规范;应帮助青年树立正确的性伦理道德观念;健全青年婚恋观教育模式。同时,要加强婚姻法制建设,保障受伤害方的利益和权利。通过对我国当代青年试婚现象的伦理道德分析,呼吁当代青年理性对待试婚,并期待对我国现存的试婚问题的解决能有些许帮助,期待幸福能贯穿婚恋的始终,期待社会更加稳定、和谐、美好。
[Abstract]:After World War II, the sexual revolution in the West and the rising trend of thought of sexual liberation spread to Asia. The reform and opening up has brought about dramatic changes in Chinese society. In love and marriage is the phenomenon of trial marriage, flash marriage and other phenomena. Trial marriage has never dared to imagine, can not accept today's strange, the number of trial marriages increased dramatically. It can be seen that trial marriage has become a marriage landscape that can not be ignored. This paper focuses on the theme of moral examination of the contemporary youth trial marriage phenomenon, analyzes the main characteristics and influence of the contemporary youth trial marriage phenomenon, and examines the contemporary youth trial marriage phenomenon from the moral angle of view. The author puts forward the relevant countermeasures to establish the concept of marriage and love in line with the socialist moral requirements. The appearance and spread of trial marriage have its deep social background and subjective motive, its experience, test, randomness, escape, pressure, etc. Its popularity and development have brought great impact and influence to our contemporary youth's view of marriage and love and marriage and family. It not only causes serious physiological and psychological injury to the parties concerned, but also affects the future marital life and quality, and directly affects the stability and harmony of the society. It is immoral to try marriage as an unscrupulous act. Trial marriage violates marriage ethics, sexual ethics and individual moral responsibility. Therefore, all walks of life should pay enough attention to the trial marriage, advocate the correct ethics and norms of youth marriage and love, help young people to set up the correct sexual ethics and moral concept, and perfect the educational model of the youth's concept of marriage and love. At the same time, we should strengthen the legal construction of marriage to protect the interests and rights of injured parties. Through the ethical and moral analysis of the phenomenon of our contemporary youth's trial marriage, this paper calls on the contemporary youth to treat the trial marriage rationally, and looks forward to having some help to solve the existing trial marriage problem in our country, and anticipating that happiness will run through the marriage and love all the time. Expect the society to be more stable, harmonious and beautiful.
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