[Abstract]:With the development of industrialization and urbanization, a large number of rural land has been expropriated, resulting in a large number of landless peasants. The social security of the peasants is a hot issue of the current social concern, which is directly related to the economic development and social stability of our country and the improvement of the market economic system of our country. At present, the resettlement of the land-losing farmers is difficult to replace the guarantee of the land, and the land-losing farmers also have a lot of problems, among them, the psychological problems of the land-losing farmers are particularly important. This paper first defines and explains the marginal personality of the landless peasants, which mainly refers to the fact that in the course of the urbanization, the landless peasants are difficult to adapt to the psychology and the life because of the influence of their original cultural characteristics in the course of the transformation of the urban citizens to the modern city. The mutation is not adapted to the new change from the cognition of the mind, thus leading to the conflict of the original personality and the new personality, which is an unstable psychological act of the human body. Model. Based on this and on-site questionnaires and field interviews, relevant data were obtained and relevant cause analysis was carried out and a response was raised This article is divided into six chapters, and the following is a brief description of each The first chapter is the introduction, mainly including the reason of the selection, the definition of the related concepts, the main research methods and the research results at home and abroad. On the basis of the profound influence of the problem of the marginal personality of the landless peasants, I decided to select the land-losing farmers as the object of the study, and the problem of the landless peasants is the big problem of the people's life, especially the many psychological problems they have presented after the loss of land, and in the long period In the observation of the period, I find that the problem of marginal personality is one of the main factors that affect the life of the landless peasants, and on the basis of this, I started to carry on the in-depth study. The second chapter is the relevant theoretical foundation, and for the study of the landless peasants, the theory of the theory of personality psychology, the theory of the world system and the theory of social character are the first to interpret the marginal farmers' margin from the point of view of personality psychology. The concept and meaning of the personality, and on the basis of the research of the existing scholars, this paper also defines the marginal personality of the landless peasants, and hopes to bring more convenience to the writing of this paper, of course, I have adopted the sociology in the course of the study The analysis of the related theories and the interpretation of the landless peasants from a variety of perspectives The third chapter is the analysis of the status of the life of the landless peasants, including the basic composition of the investigated samples and the current status of the living conditions of the investigated samples. In this way, the general situation is calculated, and it is hoped to be able to understand the current situation of the landless peasants in order to be able to present the present situation The fourth chapter is the analysis of the situation of the marginal personality of the landless peasants, which is based on the sampling, mainly including the reality of the marginal personality of the landless peasants, the analysis of the reason of the marginal personality of the landless peasants. The influence of the problem of the marginal personality of the landless peasants is mainly the analysis and study of the reality of the marginal personality of the landless peasants and the causes of these problems. The fifth chapter is the method and the way to solve the problem of the marginal personality of the landless peasants, which is mainly based on the study of the problem of land-losing farmers and puts forward some methods to combine their marginal personality problems. The solution is mainly reflected in the political, economic, social and cultural methods and initiatives, and it is hoped that the marginal personality problems of the land-losing farmers can be solved to some extent, so that the life of the landless peasants can be face-faced, and the due settlement and settlement should be obtained for him. The sixth chapter is the realistic meaning and the enlightenment of the study of the marginal personality of the landless peasants, which mainly includes the realistic meaning of the marginal personality of the landless peasants and the side of the landless peasants. The study of interdecadal personality is an inspiration to the process of the development of modern urbanization. The landless peasants are the products of the process of urbanization, and their problems are the problems that can't be ignored in the process of urbanization. Normal life is also an important issue of social harmony development, so fo
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