[Abstract]:With the development of social economy, people pay more attention to the fairness and effectiveness of health services, which depend on the rational allocation of health resources. How to efficiently and scientifically utilize the limited health resources, optimize the allocation of health resources and promote the coordinated development of social economy and health undertakings is one of the urgent tasks at present in China. In this study, the factors affecting the allocation of health resources in China were analyzed from a macro perspective, and the direct and indirect relationships between the allocation of health resources and the regional population total, the per capita (GDP), population birth rate, etc., were further understood. To explore how to optimize the allocation of health resources and how to solve the problem effectively. Because the utilization of medical service is influenced by medical demand, service supply and social economic factors, health service supply is influenced by social economic factors as well as medical service utilization. By constructing the model of simultaneous equations and synthetically analyzing the relationship among the factors of medical service utilization, service demand, service supply and social economics, this paper finds out the variable reflecting service demand, which is the standardized population mortality rate. Then the study area is divided into three levels according to the social economics by the method of systematic cluster analysis. Then, the multi-level model is used to fit the relationship between service utilization and demand, and the coefficient of each urban need variable is obtained. Finally, the ratio of population to total population of each region is obtained after the coefficient of need variable and population are weighted, which is used as the standard and basis of adjustment for the allocation of medical resources in each region.
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