[Abstract]:In recent years, the frequent occurrence of major disasters in the western region has intensified the migration activities, and Shaanxi Province, affected by natural disasters, has also launched the largest resettlement project in the history of New China due to the "July 18" major disaster. Immigrants involved in community reconstruction, disaster recovery and start a new life and other aspects, has attracted wide attention from all walks of life. Since the study of social capital was introduced, social structural factors such as "social network" and "social capital" have been paid more and more attention to in the post-disaster period. Since it was put forward, social capital has formed many theoretical schools, generally speaking, there are two opposing camps: the micro or individual perspective is biased towards the social network, while the macro or collective perspective emphasizes trust, norms and social participation. These two orientations have developed their respective theoretical systems and measurement methods, and have been widely used. After the introduction of social capital into China, scholars such as Bian Yanjie and others have made great contributions to its localization research, especially in the measurement methods, such as the measurement of individual level with New year's net, catering net and so on, as well as the measurement of trust with the dosage meter. Public participation and other measures at the collective level, and widely used in large-scale social surveys. At present, the literature on emigration from the perspective of social capital mainly focuses on earthquake migration, but it is very rare to pay attention to Shaanxi migration. Taking Ankang, Shaanxi Province as an example, this paper attempts to make an exploratory study on disaster migration in southern Shaanxi from the perspective of social capital. This paper briefly reviews several theorists and their views who have made major contributions to the theory of social capital in the field of sociology, and conducts a small-scale sampling survey in the immigrant communities in Ankang, southern Shaanxi, by means of the measurement method of localization of social capital. To explore the status of social capital of immigrants after relocation and its effect on post-disaster reconstruction and recovery. The analysis found that political identity, occupation and education had a significant impact on social capital at the individual level of immigrants, but their impact on macro-social capital was not the same: membership status, Good occupation and high education are more favorable for disaster migrants to absorb good social resources, and higher institutional trust, while higher income helps to increase their public trust and social cohesion. In addition, some indicators of social capital at the micro and macro levels have played a significant role in post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, so they are indispensable, among which, institutional trust has the most significant impact. It shows that the government-led institutional forces play an important role in the disaster relief process. The study suggests that immigrants should strengthen job diversification to compensate for resource redundancy caused by strong networks, while local governments need to rebuild trust and foster community strength to strengthen macro-social capital. This paper is divided into five parts: the first chapter introduces the purpose, significance, method and train of thought of the research; the second chapter is the summary part, which clarifies the core concept, theory and measurement of social capital and disaster migration, and comments on the related research; The third and fourth chapters are the main topics of the study, discussing the social capital and its utility of the disaster migrants in Ankang, and the last part is the summary and discussion.
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