[Abstract]:Tao is one of the most influential local gods in modern Hunan, and the body is an important basis for his becoming a god. On September 20, 1958, Tao's body was destroyed in the name of "eliminating superstition," but in fact, The destruction of the body is related to the lack of resources for the industrial "Great Leap forward". With the development of industrial "Great Leap forward" process, the construction of hot water bottle factory and iron and steel smelting have become the real reasons for the destruction of the body. Through the destruction of the flesh body, it can be found that the destruction of the flesh body marks the disintegration of the original social structure of the Haman pear, the social structure of the Tao real person as the source of power has been broken, and the "Great Leap forward" has become a new and major source of power. The social structure is reorganized with new social units such as "factory". At the same time, the author also found that the practice of the "Great Leap forward" movement in local areas will be affected by the individual factors of local cadres, and the degree of mobilization is related to the change of social leadership and the different values and interests of the people.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学历史学系;
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